
@homeschoolin momma
I love your new little coop.

I think your biting boy was probably just fear. You could try "taming" your lav roo so he gets used to being picked up. I don't hold & cuddle my roosters, but out of necessity I must pick them up each night to put them into the garage & then reverse commute to bring them out in the morning. They go nuts when 1st picked up & then stop squirming. (if they try to squirm or flap, they have to stay in my hands a little longer until they're calm.) After 1-2 months of being picked up & carried 2xs a daily, they realize that it's not all that terrible. By the time they're 1 year old, anyone can just bend down & scoop them up from anywhere in the yard.

As far as the hen-bullying, many boys go through a not-so-nice phase. He's pretty young so the older hens will probably fight back and put him in his place. (or perhaps a mature rooster) You had a very high rooster ratio, so I doubt the boys were able to learn any manners in all the chaos.

Worse case, if the boy doesn't get better as he matures, you won't want to breed aggression. You can always have one of mine. Mr Nice Guy, Mr Potential, & the little 10 wk old (likely male) are competing for the privilege of breeding next year. 1-2 of those sweet boys will need to go. Whenever I've given away a rooster, the new owners quickly fall in love with the gentle, calm, docile, nature.
Poor DH isn't feeling very well, so I made some nice chicken neck & home-made noodle soup. (Thanks to @homeschoolin momma ;)) Delicious!!!

I sold the last of my extra female orps last night. I may still decide to downsize a bit more but for now, we're good.

I took a few pics inside the coop today.

Here's the Sept "cockerel" If he's not related to Jewel (my female with giant wattles), then I believe he's a HE. He may end up being my breeder next summer. Mr Nice Guy & Potential are staying for a little while until I make up my mind.

His sister is obviously female. This is one I may let go if I need more flock reduction.

Here's Big Blue. She's from my blue laced orp project. @chickendreams24 has her big, beautiful mama. I don't "need" Big Blue but she's sooooo pretty. She's another "maybe"

IMG_1183 (2).JPG

Big Blue's BFF and sister. (I think she's a blue SLO) She's staying and needs a name. Any suggestions.

Crystal with her son & daughter. Yes they're 10.5 weeks and still with mommy.

Smudge also has her 2 10.5 week old chicks with her. Both mama hens are molting, so perhaps they put up with the chicks for the extra warmth at night.
IMG_1150 (2).JPG
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Look what i found (right in the door) of my orp coop tonight!

Not quite blue yet, more green blue, but i know that can change slighty as they get older. I hope it becomes more blue!!

Say a little prayer tonight for my little serama Jasmine. There was a hawk threatening the chickens while i was gone. DS went out when he heard the ruckus and it flew off empty handed. At the time he found all the chickens except the little white serama which I just let out for the first time today. (What an intro to my yard):rolleyes: A little later the white one popped up. He went to collect seramas back inside at dusk. Jasmine was still hiding on the front porch behind the pillar. She then took off running and DS of course chased her to try to grab her. Well, she then took to flight straight into the woods. She is brown. I looked for a long time when I got home. I know shes alive, but dont like her out in the cold.:hmm Im hoping she come back at dawn.
@homeschoolin momma
Congrats on the blue egg!

And I hope you find your sweet Jasmine. Do you think she'd return to the cat carrier if you put it outside on the porch with a light? (That's where she was raised by Phoenix, right?) I'm sure she "wants" to come home but probably afraid to. You could leave it out for an hour or two before bed and see if she's drawn to it. After that, I guess all you can do is pray she makes it through the night. Unfortunately chickens are good at Hide-N-Seek and rarely respond when hiding as you call their name in search. At least the temps will be a little above freezing.

When I'd walk my orps from the tractor back to the coop, sometimes I'd get there too late - after dark. When it was dark, they wouldn't want to leave the safety of the tractor..... but it's not "nighttime predator"-proof, so I needed to force them out to walk back home. If I had the floodlight on by the coop, they'd make a run for it, to get to the safety of their coop. Otherwise, I'd just walk with them & use a flashlight to guide their path.
Shes home! :wee:celebrate
I was about to lock the doors and turn off the light on the front porch and I saw something moving by the window. I guess she was cold enough and drawn to the light. I opened the front door and right up to me she came. Still looked a little scared and shaking a little. DS and I are so relieved!
Shes home! :wee:celebrate
I was about to lock the doors and turn off the light on the front porch and I saw something moving by the window. I guess she was cold enough and drawn to the light. I opened the front door and right up to me she came. Still looked a little scared and shaking a little. DS and I are so relieved!
Shes home! :wee:celebrate
I was about to lock the doors and turn off the light on the front porch and I saw something moving by the window. I guess she was cold enough and drawn to the light. I opened the front door and right up to me she came. Still looked a little scared and shaking a little. DS and I are so relieved!
Wonderful News!!!! I'm glad the light trick worked.

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