
You should come take 100 quail eggs from me a week. That will help feed you. I seriously am getting more eggs than we can handle from the quail. I am rashly considering picking them, but not sure if we like them that way.
Do you have quail egg scissors? That would make cracking them much easier. You'd probably have to eat about 10-20 eggs just to make one meal of omelettes for your family. My friends & family loved the quail eggs when we had them. In fact now that they're gone, my sister goes out & spends $ buying quail eggs. She thinks they taste better. If at work you casually mention that you have chickens/quail, you'll soon get bombarded with requests to buy eggs.

You're lucky yours are laying now. I'm guessing you have supplemental light. Mine always stopped in Sept/Oct. I'd love to buy some quail eggs from you in Dec/Jan. Both for hatching & eating. DS is wearing me down & keeps asking for quail again. He's my big egg eater and the only one who wanted the Leghorns.

Oh BTW- I got a whopping FIVE eggs today! I guess another serama or silkie is laying.
We got 3" of snow & the windchill was already below zero..... but look who decided October was a good time to go broody!

These chicks are 2+ wks old. The serama mama & her 2 chicks into the basement for a while.
Do you have quail egg scissors? That would make cracking them much easier. You'd probably have to eat about 10-20 eggs just to make one meal of omelettes for your family. My friends & family loved the quail eggs when we had them. In fact now that they're gone, my sister goes out & spends $ buying quail eggs. She thinks they taste better. If at work you casually mention that you have chickens/quail, you'll soon get bombarded with requests to buy eggs.

You're lucky yours are laying now. I'm guessing you have supplemental light. Mine always stopped in Sept/Oct. I'd love to buy some quail eggs from you in Dec/Jan. Both for hatching & eating. DS is wearing me down & keeps asking for quail again. He's my big egg eater and the only one who wanted the Leghorns.

Oh BTW- I got a whopping FIVE eggs today! I guess another serama or silkie is laying.
I don't have the quail scissors. I've been using a cigar cutter. LOL. I bed to order a pair finally.
Add for getting some to eat or hatch in Dec/Jan, just ask when you're ready. I may even be hatching again myself in Jan, so chicks would be an option too possibly.
I had a productive visit with @homeschoolin momma today. We decided to help each other out with the overpopulation of roosters. We processed SEVEN birds. I'm no expert, so it was slow. We finished & when the sadness fades, life will be easier. (especially for those hens!) Processing birds is never fun, but having a friend along helps a lot.

@chickendreams24 :bowI finally tried scalding a bird to pluck. WOW! You were right; it is fast & easy. I can't say I liked the smell of wet chicken, though. I don't know if I have a pot big enough here, but if I'm ever doing more than 1 bird, I'd try it again. Of course next time we may take a road trip up to your place to take advantage of your plucker (and expertise).

Deciding which chickens stay & who goes is such a hard decision.

I love my Blizzard & decided that she should have a loving home with @homeschoolin momma. Her dear rooster, Taj, needs some laced girls for breeding. Also, I've come to see her flock as my own "back up" flock - just further south. I get to see pics, hear stories, & even visit when time permits. More importantly, if ever tragedy struck, I know I'd be able to replace my birds with related ones. Next spring will be very exciting when we can swap eggs.

Blizzard is still molting & looks a bit deflated, but I had to take a few pics before she left today.

Along with Blizzard went 2 of Crystal's babies. The male on the right is mostly for companionship during the transition.

@homeschoolin momma 's son gets a little, cuddly silkied serama. I can't wait to hear what he thinks of her..... and learn her new name. Tribble is the name of my gray one, but this one was also called Tribble for a while. Those little birds multiply like crazy - like Tribbles! LOL
BTW - If anyone wants a pet serama, please let me know. I have 2 extra females who could use a new home. (They hatched 12-2-18.) Sermas do not do well in sub-freezing temps, so they would have to be seasonal house chickens or live in a heated coop. Honestly that's the only drawback. They are so loving, friendly, cuddly, and interactive.
Due to predators, my flock has been mostly cooped up. They usually run around a bit each morning while I clean & refill feeders. Then I call them back in & lock them up. Today while I was outside with them, poor Poof Poof (my son's Spitzhauben) was landed on by a hawk. I saw the scuffle & chased the hawk off while Poof Poof ran inside. i collected the rest from their hiding spots & then looked over Poof Poof. The only bloody spot is on her wing. I ran the wing under warm water & parted the feathers to generously spray Blu-kote. Thankfully I saw no wounds on the neck or body and the wing moves normally.

Is there any other care I should give right now? She's friendly but seriously dislikes being confined, so i returned her to the coop/run.
Due to predators, my flock has been mostly cooped up. They usually run around a bit each morning while I clean & refill feeders. Then I call them back in & lock them up. Today while I was outside with them, poor Poof Poof (my son's Spitzhauben) was landed on by a hawk. I saw the scuffle & chased the hawk off while Poof Poof ran inside. i collected the rest from their hiding spots & then looked over Poof Poof. The only bloody spot is on her wing. I ran the wing under warm water & parted the feathers to generously spray Blu-kote. Thankfully I saw no wounds on the neck or body and the wing moves normally.

Is there any other care I should give right now? She's friendly but seriously dislikes being confined, so i returned her to the coop/run.
So long as they aren't in shock, I return them to the flock. They let me know when they are ready
Lucky was in bad shape and spent 6 months or so in the house. Her mother was knocked down the next week but could walk to me. She went back in an hour.
Another last spring, had muscle wounds and after a few hours went back.
So I did a thing last night....

Isn't it adorable? It's in perfect condition. The guy only used it for a few weeks after his bigger one blew away in a windstorm. Then the coyotes finished off his flock due to the run being destroyed as well. So he's just waiting until spring to start over. It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but it will be perfect for Taji and Blizzard come spring. Their own little love shack.

I'm beginning to wonder if I made a good decision when I processed my lav rooster. I kept wonky's brother as his comb was better and he has the nice shape. But he was picking on a gorgeous black pullet I hatched this spring so I picked him up. He's screaming like I'm killing him. Then he starts biting me. Like several times. Not quite sure what to do about him.

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