
Hello everybody! I haven't been on much lately. A newborn and toddler are keeping us pretty busy. I wanted to jump on though and wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving! better early than late... :D I hope to grab some turkey pics later to add for your enjoyment. They are getting pretty big now. I'm still debating on sex though. Hopefully you will be able to help me figure it out from the pics I get.

Our chickens are doing well except for two cases of bumblefoot. We racked a lot of twigs and rocks out of the run and I piled in lots of mulched leaves and branches. I plan to still add more mulched leaves and branches as I finish cleaning up the yard. I'm hoping to create a soft, well draining bed in the run. Hopefully it's beautiful compost material come Spring. The chickens and turkeys love to forage through a fresh pile of mulch. I'm not sure what they are getting really other than a few blades of grass, but they seem to peck and scratch for hours.
I hope everyone had a great holiday. It's hard to believe Christmas is right around the corner.
My name is Cyndi and I haven't posted on the IL site before however since I split my time between IL and WI, I thought I would post on both sites.
I just lost my 4-1/2 year old Buff Orpington, Lucy,
earlier this week which leaves me with one 2-1/2 year old brown layer. I lost my other 2-1/2 year old brown layer this summer to the heat. I work in Chicago during the week and when I got home, she had passed still sitting on an egg. She must have gotten broody during the week and I wasn't home to catch it.
With my new work schedule, it isn't fair to Henny (my remaining hen) to be alone and I'm just not home enough to add to the flock. If anyone has room for a single gal, please let me know. She is still happy, healthy and laying eggs however I know chickens are flock animals and she misses her pal Lucy.

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