
I have 9 dozen orp/spitzie eggs and 2 dozen serama eggs right now! With another carton half full from today!
Eggs as Christmas gifts????

That's what I ended up doing for some family members. I'm not close to 9 doz, but I've been baking a lot. It's also been nice to be able to actually eat eggs whenever we want this winter. (Normally I have to guard them and save up for a special meal or I had to break down and buy them.) I think we're almost up to 3 doz eggs stored in the fridge. So not enough to start selling, but plenty to eat & share.

The serama eggs are the ones I like to share. I prefer the big meaty eggs but children like the novelty of the small, "cute" size. So... give them to families with little kids. :)
Got 2 eggs from my girls yesterday. :thumbsup
Not sure if it is just coincidence, or what. I have been using this container to give feed to them. Can chickens read:idunno
That doesn't surprise me at all. Seeing a hawk is a routine daily occurrence these days.

I wonder if the same is true for owls. Some must have moved into our neighborhood because I can now hear them occasionally.
A few years ago I heard gho nightly. Which is a threat to turkeys.
Now I hear a barred owl regularly. But I am next to a forest preserve

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