

Bacteria was incubating and multiplying inside the egg as it rotted. (The incubator did have a slight odor and the egg looked like it was sweating before it exploded. Back then, I did not know those were bad signs. There was hardly any Internet in my early days of teaching, so no BYC to help.)

The bacteria was spread onto some of the eggs and the bottom of the incubator when it popped open. I cleaned it quickly and did my best not to let the eggs cool. But the loss of humidity shrink wrapped the already pipped chicks, the sudden temp drop may have slowed & weakened them, and the contamination of bacteria not only killed chicks but also made my whole lab, classroom, and even the hallway reek.
I learned at a early age about exploding eggs . Grandma had some geese . Gander never had fertile eggs from them . She always let them set until one exploded . It was then my job to bury the rest . I learned to dig the hole first then gently get them all on the shovel . Hold breath when dumping into hole and cover them with dirt fast . :sick
Oh got another jumbo today . 3 1/2 oz.
Lol I just learned about this last year picking up eggs I left out for months. Now I understand when someone says smells like rotten eggs. I told my wife and she didn't believe me so I lifted the can lid and she nearly vomited.
Sulphur . Used to use lime sulphur spray on fruit trees . Same smell .
Beautiful weather today! I had 3 virtual meetings spread throughout the day though of course. I spent my lunch and the last few hours this evening out in the garden breaking up dirt and filling garden beds. I have a lot more dirt to break up and move, so hoping this wet and cold weather wet have coming in a few days doesn't stick around too long. I hope to get potatoes, cabbage and kale in the ground very soon followed but all sorts of veggies come the first week of May.
@Faraday40 any updates on the quail eggs?
Our two orp chicks are doing well.

Day 6:
I can't really tell anything with most of the quail eggs I candled. However, the next day after the eggs were set, a quail laid an egg w/o spots. (I put it into the incubator, of course.) I can see development in that one.

I only candled 2 turkey eggs. I didn't expect to see anything, but I can see a bit of shadow and veins in both.

The adult quail have learned how to eat from the feeder and drink using water nipples.
They stopped laying, breeding, and crowing. I hope they settle in and start laying again. I also want to hear the little male's crow.

Speaking of crowing, my 2 cockerels flipped the lid off of their rooster box last night. They must have been "free range" in the garage all night. This morning I heard A LOT of faint crowing, and it's very unlike them to make so much noise. The boys were strutting, crowing, & pooping all over the place. I wasn't very happy when I discovered the little party they were having.

I got to enjoy some of the nice weather this afternoon. I also got to enjoy the lightening show this evening.


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