
Yuccas are easy to grow , comes back every year and seeds spread them around. Usually an ornamental but probably has some uses I would like to hear about.
We have a big yucca that came with the house 25 yrs ago. It's very hardy. Several times we've tried maintaining it with an axe. Literally! It's big so trying to cut some of the extra growth out with a shovel won't work. One time DH went a little overboard hacking at it. I thought it would have died but it produced 3xs the stalks the next year.
These are all new plants for me. What do you do with the yucca and does it grow outside in our relatively short season?
The yucca I have was given to me by my neighbor about 35 years ago. It is an evergreen that stays green during winter thru the snow. Mine does not try to run away and take over the flower bed. Stays about the same area size. Usually I will get one bloom or 2 during summer. After that blooms,, that plant dies back, (will not produce another bloom) But there are a few new shoots that grow out of that root stock. When they mature,, they will produce a bloom. From seed,, you may have to wait a few years to get a blooming plant. It is a hardy plant,, and is one that does not need much nursing, Kind of "set it and forget it"
The hibiscus is the Rose Of Sharon Variety. It is a woody bush type of plant. It does not die back to ground level annually like some of my other hibiscus do.
My Rose of Sharon grow as tall as my garage height. Those are old plants. You can get a 4 or 5 foot high bush in a couple years,, especially if you fertilize, and feed. I dug up some pix to give idea how these look.
Rose of Sharon.


Container grown sorrel. I keep the cages on top of pots to keep my chickens from eating it all.
My neighbor told me that our yucca came from hers in the early 1970s. At that time, her husband dug up theirs by the house and transplanted it in the far back of their yard. She joked that it looked like he was trying to punish the plant by sticking in the corner. He passed away and she recently moved to assisted living- but their yucca still stands in the corner. :gig

I also enjoy my Rose of Sharon bushes. I planted a bunch a couple decades ago. However, my land drainage changed (Hmmm... mysteriously when new homes were built) and so my backyard can now get swampy. They don't do well in swampy grass so the number along the fence has decreased. Whenever I want more, I simply "find" young ones around the yard. They grow quickly. Here's my fav backyard pic. (The bee just happened to photobomb.)
I think there's 2 things I need to do to make more chickens a possibility. One is easier than the other. I need another high roost. I have 3 roosts (low, mid and high) and right now, 6 roost high and 6 roost mid. I think I need another high roost and since my coop is tall enough to walk in, there's no reason NOT to make use of that space up there. Plus, more chickens up high means less chickens getting pooped on. LOL!!!

The 2nd is I need to get the puppies their chicken merit badges so that I don't have to keep timesharing the yard between chickens and puppies. Because I have to keep them in the run so the puppies can be in the yard, they don't get as much free range time as I'd like. If I could trust the puppies, I can let the hens play outside most of the day so the size of their run would be less of an issue.

But the more I see chicks, the more I am thinking I'll let Mille sit on some fake eggs for a while and then slip day old chicks under her at night instead of having her hatch them.
I think there's 2 things I need to do to make more chickens a possibility. One is easier than the other. I need another high roost. I have 3 roosts (low, mid and high) and right now, 6 roost high and 6 roost mid. I think I need another high roost and since my coop is tall enough to walk in, there's no reason NOT to make use of that space up there. Plus, more chickens up high means less chickens getting pooped on. LOL!!!

The 2nd is I need to get the puppies their chicken merit badges so that I don't have to keep timesharing the yard between chickens and puppies. Because I have to keep them in the run so the puppies can be in the yard, they don't get as much free range time as I'd like. If I could trust the puppies, I can let the hens play outside most of the day so the size of their run would be less of an issue.

But the more I see chicks, the more I am thinking I'll let Mille sit on some fake eggs for a while and then slip day old chicks under her at night instead of having her hatch them.
Don't forget about the bird flu. Need to be able to keep them locked undercover if possible. I can't and wish I could for peace of mind.
It in Indiana and Iowa and Kentucky, so it's only a matter of time.
Don't forget about the bird flu. Need to be able to keep them locked undercover if possible. I can't and wish I could for peace of mind.
It in Indiana and Iowa and Kentucky, so it's only a matter of time.
Speaking of bird flu, do you remember from the last couple times when the threat should die down? Is it after a couple months or not until next winter?

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