
Those of you in Chicago suburbs, what kinds of predators have you encountered? any actually try to get your flock?
I'm trying to determine if I should convert part of my shed to chicken coop, but it butts right up to the chainlink fence in the backyard and doesn't have good visibility behind it.

I haven't seen any raccoons but do have a very occasional possum and skunks.
We have had raccoons, possums, and hawks attack our chickens but the worst was the attack by our neighbor's dog. We are in the south suburbs. Ours free range during the day but are locked up tight at night.
Hello fellow breeders, growers and so on. . I am a fly fishermen and jig and fly tier looking for skins,pelts, furs..and so on. I am currently looking for a type of Turkey tail or matching wing quills or even a full skin if any of you has one. The kind of turkey am looking for is Natural Grey Turkey/Sooty Slate or i think there called Slate & Self Blue Turkeys. I will pay by pay pail and please message me. I am also looking for rabbit pelts, goose skins, as well as pheasant skin of different kinds( depending on the grade)

Here is what i will be making with the turkey:

I also use a lot chicken hackle, a full skin would be nice in Cream, Natural black , speckled colors( dots in the feathers) as well as hackle with a black line in the center, if you don't know what i mean then i would look up colors called, Badger, Furnace, speckled Blue Dun. If any of you are chicken breeders i would like to have a cape and saddle if possible. The Hackle should be able to tie as big as a size 6 hook and as small as a size 16 hook. But i am just looking for 2 things , a thin , long stem and be flexible yet stiff ( for the roster hackle) so if any of you have birds that are getting old or you have bags of feathers please fee free to message me on here. If you don't know how much you want payed i would like it to be as cheap as i can. I use a whole a ray of different animals,like: woodchuck, coyote, raccoon, just any pest that you can think of that has fur on it i'll be able to use it. And if any of you go fishing i'll be more than happy to send any of you some fishing jigs and if any of you fly fish i'll be more than happy to make any of you some just send me a message on how meany you want and if you want to fly to sink, float or submerge and so on please let me know. If you want just 25 jigs or files just pay me by pay pal and send me at least $25. I tie files for people before and they seem to love my files.

My name is Colin Danenberger.

Hope to see you fishing and have fun
Yea -I found the Illinois thread. Am new to BYC, wanting to have our first little chicks this spring. Planning our coop/run, etc- Have ideas on a few breeds - are looking for 2-4 to start. We can have up to 6 or 8, according to our newly passed ordinance. YEA.

Was looking for ideas on where to get the babies, is it mostly Farm & Fleet, Farm King, TSC, etc. We are in northern Lake County.

Yea -I found the Illinois thread. Am new to BYC, wanting to have our first little chicks this spring. Planning our coop/run, etc- Have ideas on a few breeds - are looking for 2-4 to start. We can have up to 6 or 8, according to our newly passed ordinance. YEA.

Was looking for ideas on where to get the babies, is it mostly Farm & Fleet, Farm King, TSC, etc. We are in northern Lake County.

I too am in Northern Lake county, you can order chicks from a variety of places and directly from individuals. What are you looking for (breed, tempermant, broodiness, etc)?
Hi ChicknScratch,

We are looking for good layers, not too broody with calm-to-average temperament. I was thinking about these breeds: Orpington, Australorp, Araucana, Speckled Sussex and/or Plymouth Rocks. My buddy raises chickens in mid-central Illinois and raises Rhode Island Red and red sex link chickens, so he suggested those. My brother reminded me that when we had chickens as kids, my dad ordered them out of a seed catalog and we did, indeed, pick them up at the post office!! That was 40 years ago at least!! DAG- I am getting old.
I've been a member of this site for over 4 years now,and today out of boredom decided to look around at some of the other threads.And lo and behold my home state has their own seperate thread here. As you can see from my post count I'm not fibbing at all,I mainly live and post in the Peafowl section.Don't recognize too many that post in here that also post in the Peafowl section but then again peafowl breeders are few and far between.
Lol. I did the same thing the other day. Just started browsing and came across the swap threads. They sound fun and im just waiting for better weather so theyll speed up.

Give me another year and ill prob be joining u with the peafowl. I started with just ducks, then added chickens, then turkeys. Now im looking for pheasants and geese this year. Next ill prob add peas or emus or something. Im addicted and gotta keep adding on to my zoo. Lol

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