
Are you sure that someone did not swap out an impostor for that hen??? this one looks brown and hen was black. I would interrogate all members of the household. At this point all are suspects.
Isn't it crazy the difference. Since everyone in the family is telling me to get rid of all of the roosters, because the competition crowing is driving them crazy, I think they would have to be eliminated as suspects from said crime. LOL, The lighting in my basement, is better than the lighting in my kitchen. But, I would swear it was a different bird also.

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We are getting speckled Sussex pullets this year if he turns out gentle and non aggressive he could be an asset if you decide not to keep him and of course if I can convince DH2B.
Last fall he told me that this year he would enable me(something I'm sure he's regretted saying since lol) He seems to think that I am trying to collect every kind of chicken in the first two years
But I think we only have maybe 8 breeds right now(planning on two or three more this year) but several of those breeds we only have one of. Lol

His "deal" is that I can hatch as many as I want this year but by winter I have to be down to 40...I'm hoping I can swing that further lol. We're at 30 right now but we have as many as ten that we are think of rehoming/culling.
3-4 Silver Laced wyandottes(pullets will be a year in May, laying well),
2 white silkies(should be a pair- hatched in June from shipped eggs) I haven't seen the pullet lay but she doesn't act rooish either,
2 Isa Brown pullets(will be a year in May, laying very well),
1 bbr oegb cockeral, Nugget, who is a great little guy but causing trouble because of too many cockerals(will also be a year in May)
We are getting speckled Sussex pullets this year if he turns out gentle and non aggressive he could be an asset if you decide not to keep him and of course if I can convince DH2B.
Last fall he told me that this year he would enable me(something I'm sure he's regretted saying since lol) He seems to think that I am trying to collect every kind of chicken in the first two years
But I think we only have maybe 8 breeds right now(planning on two or three more this year) but several of those breeds we only have one of. Lol

His "deal" is that I can hatch as many as I want this year but by winter I have to be down to 40...I'm hoping I can swing that further lol. We're at 30 right now but we have as many as ten that we are think of rehoming/culling.
3-4 Silver Laced wyandottes(pullets will be a year in May, laying well),
2 white silkies(should be a pair- hatched in June from shipped eggs) I haven't seen the pullet lay but she doesn't act rooish either,
2 Isa Brown pullets(will be a year in May, laying very well),
1 bbr oegb cockeral, Nugget, who is a great little guy but causing trouble because of too many cockerals(will also be a year in May)
You can have him. I am leaning toward Sussex at the moment, but there is a chance, he could be a Jubilee also. I am not familiar with either one, but if he was a Jubilee he will start to fluff up soon, his feathers right now are nice and tight and not seeing any longer fluff in him.
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Just wanted give an update on the little pullet that I picked up at the feed store. I was wayyyyyy off! At first thought it was a Jubilee pullet, then Sussex pullet, but has turned out to be a Cockerel, not sure what breed yet, leaning toward Jub. What a difference from a couple of weeks ago. I kept looking at those long legs, but now the tail feathers are coming in. Surprise, just what I needed. Sending off almost all of my extras this weekend, and now another boy!
Well, I guess that explains why it was given to the feed store & also why you liked it so much. Sorry you ended up with another roo, though. My DD is my best rooster identifier. If she instantly falls in love with a sweet, friendly chick, then I KNOW it's going to be a male. Perhaps you have her gift as well. LOL
Most roosters start growing their combs early. Most hens won't grow a comb until they are close to laying. When you see that razor toothed comb, it's a rooster. I'm not that good at spotting them, but there are some breeds that I can see it at 2-3 weeks old. Just fyi.
Too bad you don't butcher. Young rooster is very tasty, and i don't consider it a break of trust to buy them and only raise them a month or two before butchering. I've had predation, and I'm nicer than they are.
Most roosters start growing their combs early. Most hens won't grow a comb until they are close to laying. When you see that razor toothed comb, it's a rooster. I'm not that good at spotting them, but there are some breeds that I can see it at 2-3 weeks old. Just fyi.
Too bad you don't butcher. Young rooster is very tasty, and i don't consider it a break of trust to buy them and only raise them a month or two before butchering. I've had predation, and I'm nicer than they are.

I am pretty good at identifying roos also, but I guess watching it get picked on by the older hens, took away all my sensibility.

And thank you for passing the info to Terri, nice gal. We talked for quite a while in the parking lot. Salmon Favs, are now a real temptation.
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Just when I thought I was going in a good direction to get my numbers down, the young man with the broody hen, that I gave him 2 of the isbar chicks, that he said were pullets, messages me last night with a pic," We need to set up a day that I can return the isbars," with a pic. Both big ole combs! They will be going to the feed store asap! I guess I didn't have as great of a hatch as I thought.
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Not sure if this is the place for this, but someone suggested I crosspost this here.

This lovely Muscovy drake named Chicken came to us as an orphan found in someone's backyard about 7 months ago. Unfortunately, after much going back and forth (I actually made a thread a while ago before guiltily deleting it!) we've realized for certain that we can no longer keep him. He currently lives with us as an indoor duck, and we don't currently have the resources to build a proper coop and get him the friends he deserves, as we had originally intended. We feel he'd be a lot happier living with other ducks, and is sweet as can be on ducky playdates. Quite the anklebiter with humans, but loves to cuddle and will sit contentedly in your lap for hours!

We've grown very fond of our little dinosaur, and would just really love for him to have a home where he can romp around with some friends of his own species! He's in Aurora, IL, and is free to anyone who can provide him with a loving home!

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