

First Buckeye egg!!!
It only took since last MAY.
Made a run to the feed store today to stock up on feed for the next month. Did my usual rounds, looking at product, then over by the chicks, and checked out the incubators they have running with eggs hatching babies. Then William, the older gentleman that helps me all the time, walks by and said, Mary did you check out the chickens we have outside. BIG MISTAKE! Someone must have brought in their flock. There were a couple of big beautiful Buff Orps, Welsummer, a poorly laced, gold lace Orp, and this little Jubilee pullet and some Roos. I would have to say they were not hatchery birds, because of their size. All the birds were adults except the poor little Jubilee pullet ...

She is so cute! What feed store did you go to?????

Well my 3rd coop came today and got it put togeher this evening. Its an XLarge dog house but figured easily converted. This will be for Mickey and Minnie's breeding pen. Just have to add roost, nesting box, locks and door.
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I have a question about putting chicks together. We will be getting around 20-25 chicks on the 13Th that will be 4 days old. We also have eggs in an incubator that should start hatching on the 13Th. I wanted to get your input on when I could put the chicks we hatch, in with the chicks that we are are buying?

Thanks, Kevin
I would wait to put them together until your own hatchlings are about one week old. You know that you will lose a few from your batch, but you don't want to lose any tiny chicks from those older running around and running over them. They are close enough in age that they shouldn't bully each other very much, and should fit in nicely with each other and form a flock of fuzzbutts. =D
Just wanted give an update on the little pullet that I picked up at the feed store. I was wayyyyyy off! At first thought it was a Jubilee pullet, then Sussex pullet, but has turned out to be a Cockerel, not sure what breed yet, leaning toward Jub. What a difference from a couple of weeks ago. I kept looking at those long legs, but now the tail feathers are coming in. Surprise, just what I needed. Sending off almost all of my extras this weekend, and now another boy!


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