
I also read about freezing eggs but have never tried it.   I think you must scramble & freeze in ice trays.  My sister did it & said they worked fine for baking but not as good for omelets.   It would be nice to be able to bake without restraint in the winter months.  I harvested too many leeks in the fall, so I sauteed them & froze portions in a silicone cupcake pan.  I popped them out & kept freezing them in batches.  All winter, I could simply pop a frozen clump right into the pan.  The same can be done with fresh herbs (just mix with oil & freeze).

If you don't freeze them, I'm sure you could sell them to friends/neighbors.  We always have more buyers than available eggs.  
I do dry or freeze my herbs, Can tomatoes and freeze my peppers. Was just hoping to be able to save eggs for low production times. I think I am going to try anyways with a dozen. I also received 1 of my Cockrels today. Meet my Frizzel mottled cochin bantam.
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He's such a cutie. Don't know if even I could resist setting eggs with his offspring in them!

I know, he is so adorable! I am too excited. And he is sooooo sweet, its just too bad all of his girls are hatching babies at the moment. He is in solitary anyway for a couple of weeks.

And I picked up my new Silver Laced cockerel today! He was so nervous from the trip (Pennsylvania to Chicago) I gave him some food and water and let him calm down a bit. Went in later and picked him up, and the sweetheart laid his head on my shoulder while I talked to him. Hopefully he will stay that sweet.

And I picked up my new Silver Laced cockerel today! He was so nervous from the trip (Pennsylvania to Chicago) I gave him some food and water and let him calm down a bit. Went in later and picked him up, and the sweetheart laid his head on my shoulder while I talked to him. Hopefully he will stay that sweet.
Is he a SL Orp or Cochin?
Today was hatching day for one of my classes. We got 2 pips on Mon & 4 chicks hatched yesterday. No pips or changes on any eggs today. The eggs all looked good on Sunday & they're using the standard Hovabator with a fan. I truly hope we get some more.
Today was hatching day for one of my classes. We got 2 pips on Mon & 4 chicks hatched yesterday. No pips or changes on any eggs today. The eggs all looked good on Sunday & they're using the standard Hovabator with a fan. I truly hope we get some more.

Maybe the others are a little behind. Fingers crossed for you.

And yes the second cockerel is a Orpington. He will be replacing my current roo. Because AL was a project bird, when he is bred to my SL hens, I am getting SL pullets and GL boys. Kind of nice if that's what you want, but, if I want to sell eggs or chicks, that would not work out. So, had to get a new young man for the girls. So if anyone is interested in AL, let me know, otherwise he is going on Craiglist in the next week or 2.

It is the ideal auto sexing, but unfortunately, serious breeders and serious buyers, look at this as poor breeding standards, not pure Silver Laced. Others believe its ok to bring in new blood to a line by crossing with a GL of which I know some do, but don't say so. So I am going the safe route, and use the pure boy. Here are 2 chicks that I hatched from this breeding. 1st is pullet and 2nd is her brother GL.

I have ALL mutts, so it would not matter, and don't want any roos. I don;t have an avenue to rehoming those. The auto sexing would sure be only way for me, especially if I would get that 288 capacity unit.

BTW my Japanese bantam Efiteris is in chicken heaven. Suspect old age, since I bought her used.

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