
We probably met back then.  I had a 5' green iguana, leopard gecko, & monkey tailed skinks. (at home not at the swap) I was a frequent customer (usually pet supplies) but enjoyed seeing all the animals.

I have actually bumped into a few people that remember me, can't say I remember many if any of them though... I was doing Lee's swap twice a month, a swap in Indiana every month and also the Kanakee show on a regular basis with some scattered shows tossed in at other places, so I met a lot of people and it was so long ago memory is quite faded...

I was a frequent customer (usually pet supplies) but enjoyed seeing all the animals.

The variety of exotics was always the treat to me as well, browsing over the weekly or daily fax of 100s of animals available from my suppliers was one thing but getting to see them was another... I actually liked the Indiana show better for that reason, it was a much smaller show but Indiana had much more lax laws on exotics, so you saw a lot more of the warm blood animals like monkeys, lions, tigers, bears as well as venomous snakes like cobras...

I think I went to that one time... I had a friend with who kept me in check LOL

Try being a vendor where you get to see and pick over all the animals in private before the show opens to the public and being a vendor there are were always deals to be made with the other vendors... Plenty of shows I left with more animals than I showed up with :)
Plenty of shows I left with more animals than I showed up with
That would be me!

It would have been cool to see those IN exotic shows. (except I could do w/o the cobras)

Sad news:
This morning we noticed that our broody is down to 2 chicks. We could not find any sign or remains of the cream colored orp chick on the left. I feel bad for not looking under mama last night, so I can't be sure of what happened Mama broody always takes such great care of them. After the bad T-storms this morning, I can't be sure if a murder scene was washed away or if a predator had take out or if the frightened chick is simply hiding. It's been several hours, so my guess is the chick is not coming back.

Poor DD did not have a good start to the day and now we are leaving for the state fair where she will present her poultry science project. Hopefully I'll have better news to report the next time I log on.
[CONTENTEMBED=/t/730582/indiana-bycers-here/49250#post_17425784 layout=inline]<img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="7544035" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 350px; height: 280px">

[CONTENTEMBED=/t/730582/indiana-bycers-here/49250#post_17425784 layout=inline]Sad news:[/CONTENTEMBED]
This morning we noticed that our broody is down to 2 chicks.  We could not find any sign or remains of the cream colored orp chick on the left.  I feel bad for not looking under mama last night, so I can't be sure of what happened  Mama broody always takes such great care of them.  After the bad T-storms this morning, I can't be sure if a murder scene was washed away or if a predator had take out or if the frightened chick is simply hiding.  It's been several hours, so my guess is the chick is not coming back. 

Poor DD did not have a good start to the day and now we are leaving for the state fair where she will present her poultry science project.  Hopefully I'll have better news to report the next time I log on.

Sorry to hear that...
This morning we noticed that our broody is down to 2 chicks. We could not find any sign or remains of the cream colored orp chick on the left. I feel bad for not looking under mama last night, so I can't be sure of what happened Mama broody always takes such great care of them. After the bad T-storms this morning, I can't be sure if a murder scene was washed away or if a predator had take out or if the frightened chick is simply hiding. It's been several hours, so my guess is the chick is not coming back.

Poor DD did not have a good start to the day and now we are leaving for the state fair where she will present her poultry science project. Hopefully I'll have better news to report the next time I log on.
Sorry to hear about your chick. Maybe it will turn up. I wish your daughter lots of luck, but I am sure she will do great at the fair. I lost 3 cochin bantam juvies to a opossum the night of the thunderstorm last weekend. They wouldn't come out from under the deck because of the rain, so I had to leave them out. I found 2 the next day with a huge bite taken out of their backs, never found the 3rd and there was 1 survivor. The opossum had come back for the next 3 nights looking so I am making sure everyone goes in early. This was my first loss due to a predator.
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Thank you for all the support & well wishes. We had a great time at the IL state fair. As you can see from DD's face, she was very happy to win both the excellence & superior awards for her poultry science project (Title: Can you tell the gender of an egg?). It's basiclaly the hishest one can get. Several people came by & took an interest (& many photos) of her project. DS had a hard time waiting, but he made the most of it. Although it was a long day, it was worth it. DD is so excited that she's already coming up with ideas for next year's projects! LOL

On a sad note,the missing chick never showed up, but free ranging & simply owning chickens has its happy & sad moments. Thankfully, the ups outnumber the lows.

What to expect with multiple roos?

I have an awesome flock leader (Blk/Lav split orpington). I gave away his brother & 2nd in command about a month ago. I kept a 4 mo old choc cuckoo orp & a 3 mo old lav orp (the leader's son). So far there has been no bullying/fighting among them. The cockerels were raised under the lead roo's protection & all 3 sleep together in the garage, but then free range with the hens during the day. The cuckoo has been crowing since June & I've seen an occasional mating attempt. The lav has never crowed nor mated.

I got lucky last year & my two roos never fought. They established pecking order in the brooder. I see no change in our leader roo's temperament since his brother was rehomed, My question is should I expect some fighting? If yes, at what age will is start?
Thank you for all the support & well wishes. We had a great time at the IL state fair. As you can see from DD's face, she was very happy to win both the excellence & superior awards for her poultry science project (Title: Can you tell the gender of an egg?). It's basiclaly the hishest one can get. Several people came by & took an interest (& many photos) of her project. DS had a hard time waiting, but he made the most of it. Although it was a long day, it was worth it. DD is so excited that she's already coming up with ideas for next year's projects! LOL

On a sad note,the missing chick never showed up, but free ranging & simply owning chickens has its happy & sad moments. Thankfully, the ups outnumber the lows.

congrats :) and sorry the one is still lost :( I have an idea for one of her endeavors ... how storage temp of eggs influences hatch rate and m/f ratio...I have heard claims that storing eggs at a lower temp causes the roos to not develop and hatch as often
congrats :) and sorry the one is still lost :( I have an idea for one of her endeavors ... how storage temp of eggs influences hatch rate and m/f ratio...I have heard claims that storing eggs at a lower temp causes the roos to not develop and hatch as often
That's a "cool" idea. She's also thinking about doing something with egg production. (We have a calendar chart of every egg laid by each hen we've ever owned, so she already has a very detailed base line.) For a variable, she's thinking about changing hours of daylight with artificial lighting OR playing diff types of music in the coop.

My hope is that the school sci fair will allow her to do a poultry-related experiment. If she has an interest in it, then she'll be motivated & do well.
Groundhog or gopher??? not sure witch it is but I do have one hanging around my coop. When I looked up Google images, there are so many varieties and it matched both searches. I did not get a chance to take a pix. It ran off quick. Bigger than a FAT squirrel , but smaller than a cat. Has not eaten any of my chickens, just eating the food on the ground. There are no burrows anywhere that I can see. Anyone with any ideas which it may be, as well as the possibility that it is someones escaped pet???

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