
Groundhogs can be pretty good sized and are docile creatures unless they feel threatened, then they can be quite fierce, and are usually reddish brown or silvery brown in color.

Chipmunks are much smaller and are usually about 6 inches long from nose to the base of the tail often smaller. They also have stripes on their heads and backs.

Unless they are digging buly your house or coop I wouldn't worry about either animal too much. We have dogs and both ground hogs and gophers and don't have a problem. However if the dogs try to attack them they may defend themselves. Our dogs don't go after them.

Other than cleaning up the feed/list feed due to their eating and possible overpopulation due to the abundance of feed we have had no problems with either creature and our flock.

They're both very cute animals and can learn that you aren't a threat. They will then not run from you as they normally would and will share the yard with you. Just like any animal respect them and their space, they are wild. Otherwise like I said unless they are stealing too much feed, digging where they shouldn't, or overpopulating I wouldn't worry about it.

I doubt it is an escaped pet as all of ours have always been wild but I'm not sure.
There is only one species of 'gophers' in Illinois and they are primarily isolated to the central and southern part of the state, very unlikely any would be in the Chicago area as the farthest they normally range is the Kanakee area...

What you are seeing is probably a small woodchuck or a ground squirrel...
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They're both very cute animals and can learn that you aren't a threat.

Might not be a threat to the chickens themselves but the destruction they can do to foundations and other structures as well as to gardens makes them a threat to me...

I have spent this summer trapping many chipmunks and woodchucks that have become a priority nuisance on my property and have caused (and are still causing) a lot of damage...
Wikipedia has ground hog and woodchuck as same. I did not know they come in a variety of sizes. No burrows, so don't know where he is
coming from. As long as there is no threat to my girls , then he can stay. Helping himself to some chicken feed and kitchen scraps is not a problem at all. I don't have a vegetable garden, just flowers, so no damage there. Well, that rules out gopher, and I know what chipmunks look like. Looking at images of ground squirrels, some are just like the woodchuck pix. Maybe all woodchucks are ground squirrels, but not all ground squirrels are woodchucks obviously. Then I looked up images of prairie dogs. Guess what?? Now I'm convinced they are all in the same family. That was my question about him being someones runaway pet.
Wikipedia has ground hog and woodchuck as same. I did not know they come in a variety of sizes. No burrows, so don't know where he is
coming from. As long as there is no threat to my girls , then he can stay. Helping himself to some chicken feed and kitchen scraps is not a problem at all. I don't have a vegetable garden, just flowers, so no damage there. Well, that rules out gopher, and I know what chipmunks look like. Looking at images of ground squirrels, some are just like the woodchuck pix. Maybe all woodchucks are ground squirrels, but not all ground squirrels are woodchucks obviously. Then I looked up images of prairie dogs. Guess what?? Now I'm convinced they are all in the same family. That was my question about him being someones runaway pet.
We do not have real ground squirrels in IL . The term is applied to chipmunks by many .FYI ground hogs can climb trees . Seen them many time eating mulberries .
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