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Hot one today! Even with the mister going,(the hose sprayer set to mist) the girls were still panting. Coco and just a couple others seemed to be the only smart girls, and stood near the cool mist. Hope everyones chickens survive this heat.
I got to see your adorable chick today & while there your neighbor's black hen came up to me to say "Hi." No problems getting the tractor home. Thanks again.

It was a day of ups & downs. I spent the afternoon at the vet with my dog. He partially ripped his dewclaw nail off but hates anyone touching his feet/nails. My dog's a horrible patient but my vet was willing to give me a tranquilizer pill script to feed my dog 2 hrs before the appointment. (That eliminated the need to put him under for examination.) Dog is fine now, but my wallet is lighter.

Then this evening a friend stopped by to replenish some chickens after a raccoon attack. He brought another friend along & between them, I sold a dozen 4 wk old chicks. That's terrific because I was getting worried about what to do with that group. Now my broodies can focus on raising the chicks from @Junibutt. With the numbers down, They'll be able to free range.
I almost forgot to mention that Brick mated my Cream Crested Legbar. Talk about a funny-looking pullet. She is nice & round-bodied, so looks very much like all the other choc cuckoo orps I had. However, her neck is slightly longer & the barring not as sharp as her sisters. Well, in the past week, a crest began to form. As soon as my guests saw her, she was sold.

The first week of eggs! I cant tell if everything but the one cream one is Peaches or not. She is the only one I routinely see in the nesting box, the only one squatting, but there is a range in color there. Both the larger eggs are the same color on the bottom half that the last two little eggs are, but overall look lighter. If its not Peaches I have no idea whats going on and who is doing what. The only ones that should be ready are Peaches, Pepper, Licorice and I suppose Cinnamon. The next oldest ones are only like 15 weeks.. Seems too soon and no one looks that ready. Im sad I havent found a green egg, because I think Licorice might be the owner of the cream egg...
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The first week of eggs! I cant tell if everything but the one cream one is Peaches or not. She is the only one I routinely see in the nesting box, the only one squatting, but there is a range in color there. Both the larger eggs are the same color on the bottom half that the last two little eggs are, but overall look lighter. If its not Peaches I have no idea whats going on and who is doing what. The only ones that should be ready are Peaches, Pepper, Licorice and I suppose Cinnamon. The next oldest ones are only like 15 weeks.. Seems too soon and no one looks that ready. Im sad I havent found a green egg, because I think Licorice might be the owner of the cream egg...

I bet you've got at least one other layer. The size & color look too different. Some hens are quick & jump in, lay an egg, & return to the yard in under 10 min. Others like to take their time & spend a good 1/2 hour in the nest box. I have one that seems to take all morning & makes a big deal about it. Only uses HER nest (goes in & out of it a lot) and keeps kicking all the others out - even when she's not in there. That hen is my flock gossip. She likes to pop out & see who's in the other nests before going back inside hers. Silly hen! I also have a stealth hen, who has so many other things to do, so I rarely ever see her inside the coop.
Story time: My husband has been dealing with what he thought was allergies and hay fever. His eye were red, itchy, sometimes a little crusty in the morning. Yesterday morning he had enough and asked me to call my daughter who works for a group of eye specialists. He went in, the doctor examined him. He asked my husband if he had any STD's, my husband laughed and said no. The doctor said my husband had an eye infection in the one eye, that could only be caused by one of 2 things, An STD or Poultry. Husband laughed and said my wife has 15 chickens in the yard. He now has 3 different eye meds to try and clear it up. He is not out there in the chicken coop or run. But he makes the dogs dinner every evening, which he uses the eggs. All we can figure, that perhaps he handled a dirty egg and then touch his eye. Hoping it is not poultry dust causing this, it would be a tough call, choosing my husband or my chickens. LOL, kidding, but that would mean the end of chicken keeping for me.
On the bright side, the eye infection coming from poultry is far better for your marriage than coming from an STD. Seriously, I hope it clears up and was just a one time thing.

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