
Hey everyone been a crazy one here!

Crazy few days really.

Anyhow I was wondering if anyone could give me ideas on the genders of my two turkey poults.


The first one is quite a bit smaller and has a higher pitched cry. I don't know if that is significant or not. As you'll see it also seems to have a different feather pattern and a snood so small it's invisible in most pictures.

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The second one is meatier and has a larger snood. The color on the neck seems about the same to me but it does seem to have fewer feathers down the back of the neck which I think points to male right?

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Right now it looks like a pair..... but too soon to know for sure

Eta the feathers pattern of color doesn't reflect gender
The feathers up the back of the neck,if they stay, is a female.... so is finer bones and a smaller snood
I felt they were a pair at hatch. They hatched (may 18th) within an hour of each other. 1st one was always larger & had a square head. Smaller one loved to cuddle and had a narrow head.

My current 3 (hatched 6-20) all had wider heads. (One may be slightly more narrow, but my gut already tells me the white is a male. He strutted for an orp hen & also "danced" with one of the browns.)
Turkey time!
I took a bunch of pics, but can't really see any difference - other than one is white. LOL

Group shots:
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... a decent sized snood, right?
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good neck photo - but can't tell if it means female or too young.
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I think these following browns are the same turkey
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and this the other brown poult
(However, they kept moving, so I can't be sure.
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They're looking good.

Here's one of my 2 mo old laced girls this morning (hatched 5-30):
View attachment 1493772
and here's her sister:
(Her lacing may not look good now, but I'm sure she'll be stunning like her uncle. He also had a lot of black at this age.)View attachment 1493833

I nicknamed them Oreo & Double stuff - but not really sure who's who.Lighter one has more white, but the darker one is bigger. Either one could be considered "double." Like cookies, they come in a package, so I'm not sure if it matters.

Hey everyone been a crazy one here!

Crazy few days really.

Anyhow I was wondering if anyone could give me ideas on the genders of my two turkey poults.


The first one is quite a bit smaller and has a higher pitched cry. I don't know if that is significant or not. As you'll see it also seems to have a different feather pattern and a snood so small it's invisible in most pictures.

View attachment 1496619

View attachment 1496620

The second one is meatier and has a larger snood. The color on the neck seems about the same to me but it does seem to have fewer feathers down the back of the neck which I think points to male right?

View attachment 1496625

View attachment 1496627

Right now it looks like a pair..... but too soon to know for sure

Eta the feathers pattern of color doesn't reflect gender
The feathers up the back of the neck,if they stay, is a female.... so is finer bones and a smaller snood

I felt they were a pair at hatch. They hatched (may 18th) within an hour of each other. 1st one was always larger & had a square head. Smaller one loved to cuddle and had a narrow head.

My current 3 (hatched 6-20) all had wider heads. (One may be slightly more narrow, but my gut already tells me the white is a male. He strutted for an orp hen & also "danced" with one of the browns.)

I hope I hope I hope.

My fingers are in knots over here. LOL

Our big lavender rooster didn't show up for the noon feeding of fermented feed today. It's highly possible he is just out foraging as he is one of the birds that goes the farthest. Still he make me nervous and I hope we didn't lose him. I find it hard to believe that a fox or something would grab him when they've been picking the sweet corn 1/8-1/4 mile from our house for the last two days.

Now I'm a worried Mommy.

DH2B just asked me how I keep all of our birds straight. The adults are easy. I asked him how he can't.

His reply was a lavender Orpington is a lavender Orpington. I told him no it's not. LOL at least he knows my special birds and keeps track of all of them.

So grateful for all he does! Wait until you guys see the new tractor run he built for the juveniles!

It's been a hard summer here for the birds and we've had a couple disappearances and a couple accidents. The disappearances may have been predators but they left no feathers which is unusual for our local predators and the flock never alerted or acted odd. Plus the predators haven't been seen.

I'm beginning to wonder if my ultra friendly flock that runs to whomever shows up has been hitching rides home with strangers. Ugh.

In addition to losing my precious HeiHei we lost a buckeye hen(she had stopped laying some time before, so I think it was a peritonitis after she had an egg break inside her this spring) and my single Dominique hen has disappeared. These are the most notable and recent losses and all have been hard hits to our flock. Well the flock not so much as me and our breeding hopes.

Everyone else is good and very much enjoying the whole grain feed mix we picked up and started several days ago. While not as cheap as we were hoping we are looking for cheaper sources and also planning to tweak the mixture. It is only being fed to the adults right now of course and is running about 18% protein which we would like a little higher. Especially since most of our flock has begun molting which seems quite early to me but at least no one will be cold hopefully when it cools off. Sure wish we were getting more eggs
.. or um *clears throat* any eggs. Lol it's been a couple days since we had 1.
My broodies persist but I have no eggs to give them(I need all I can get) and they aren't quitting. I don't want to buy any local eggs and give them to my birds because of course some diseases are carried by the egg. Oh gosh I just had a thought... Order hatching eggs! Nope nope nope must resist.

Everything I've been seeing has been talking about fall already... I love fall but we are not ready for it yet. Lol it seems like summer has been so hot as to be mostly wasted.

I can't believe we're in the second week of August! Where is 2018 going?
Oh gosh I just had a thought... Order hatching eggs! Nope nope nope must resist.

To further add to your temptation:
Guess who's giving me fertile eggs?
IMG_1351.JPG X teddy 4x6 copy.jpg

Already slipped some serama test eggs into the incubator..... along with Xansie's (the silkie) eggs - before she went broody.

Xansie x Teddy's offspring is undeniably cute!
black skin, 5 toes, start of small cheeks & crest, so tiny & always in the middle


Smudge is down to 10 chicks.
Poor Cookie offspring number is still in the teens.... and they're bigger. (3 wks & 5 wks)
Can you spot the Mommy?



They all go outside in tractors for grass time during the day & return to sleep in the "brooders" each night. After we add the turkey tractor & the useless chicken tractor (the bantam's), it's our daily game of chicken shuffle.

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