
Turkey eggs:

The good news is that the turkey eggs keep coming..... Bad news - no usable ones in a while.

I found 2 turkey eggs on Friday, but the silly turkey keeps laying her eggs on a high shelf about 7 feet up. One of the eggs got lodged in the nook of support piece. It was whole but probably there for days & was frozen/split due to the temps. The other egg was only a shell. It probably fell & cracked open when it crashed down. The chickens ate it. That's what I found again on Sat afternoon as well as this morning. I hope it doesn't turn my flock into egg eaters

Anyone have an idea on how to make a turkey lay somewhere else? I really don't know why she insists on laying eggs up there.

I give my hens any broken eggs..they do clean up any that get broken in the nest too.. so far they just eat the ones already broken... I have from 2016 an ISA that lays unassembled eggs a couple times a week.

I would put a 3 sided box up there and see if she would lay in it. Last year the hen started laying in the chickens nest box. She then moved to the floor. I would leave a fake egg and take hers. She seemed to know it was a fake egg and kept hopping the fence acting like she was looking for a new spot. I left her egg, marked, and then she stayed laying in the same spot.
Turkey eggs:

The good news is that the turkey eggs keep coming..... Bad news - no usable ones in a while.

I found 2 turkey eggs on Friday, but the silly turkey keeps laying her eggs on a high shelf about 7 feet up. One of the eggs got lodged in the nook of support piece. It was whole but probably there for days & was frozen/split due to the temps. The other egg was only a shell. It probably fell & cracked open when it crashed down. The chickens ate it. That's what I found again on Sat afternoon as well as this morning. I hope it doesn't turn my flock into egg eaters.

Anyone have an idea on how to make a turkey lay somewhere else? I really don't know why she insists on laying eggs up there.
I hope you can still give me some to test out in the incubator.
I think I have 3, so it's still worth it ..... but I would have given you 7 if the turkey hen didn't lay them in places where they fall to their death.

I'm surprised by the number of eggs - almost daily now, so perhaps the other is laying as well.
none of mine are laying.. I can track them through the snow and so far no hidden nests
are any of chickendreams laying?
One thing I found helpful in my coop was placing a shelf directly under the roosting area. Some sort of daily poop collection - like sand for sifting or a simple re-purposed feed bag used as a tarp - helped keep the coop clean and allowed the chickens to use the floor space under the roosts.
A plan I hopefully can achieve this summer is a NEW COOP. Slightly larger, but mostly made with my desired features. I want poop shelves under roosts. They would be trays containing a scoop-able medium like sand. Kitty litter scoop to sift out gumdrops easily. I have PDZ on hand, so most likely would use that instead of sand.
My Dec 2nd chicks are now a little over 6 weeks old.

Blue Orp (Poor girl is hitting the awkward stage very hard!) By the feathering & feet color, I'm beginning to wonder if her Daddy was Mr Wonderful. The other option is a lav orp cockerel - but his feet are solid slate gray like Jewel (the biological mama).
blue orp 1.jpg blue orp 3.jpg blue orp 4.jpg blue orp 2.jpg

"White" continues to be my fav serama. She's sweet & calmer than the other. I have no idea what to call her mixed color of buff, white, cream, & gray.
white 4.jpg white 5.jpg white back.jpg white 1.jpg white 2.jpg

"Chipmunk" is feisty but endearing. She still has the red wattles (tight, not dropped), but I see no other male signs, so I'm pretty sure she's female. She reminds me of her biological mama - Noodle.
chipmunk 1.jpg chipmunk 2.jpg

Some additional "family" pics. The size differences always make me giggle.
compare siblings size.jpg family 1.jpg family 2.jpg
A plan I hopefully can achieve this summer is a NEW COOP. Slightly larger, but mostly made with my desired features. I want poop shelves under roosts. They would be trays containing a scoop-able medium like sand. Kitty litter scoop to sift out gumdrops easily. I have PDZ on hand, so most likely would use that instead of sand.
I created a thread called "Show me your poop boards!". The a few posts in it already that are interesting. Take a look.
I have been posting quail egg updates in a quail hatch along forum mostly. Check out this video though. My babies are alert and responding to my whistling! :woot
Cool! Won't be long now. Quail are a little different hatching than chickens. With chicken eggs, you'll see an external pip & it can take up to 24 hrs before it hatches. It's a long, patient process. With quail, there's not much to see & then "pop" - You've got quail. Also, a clutch of chicken eggs takes about 48 hrs to hatch from 1st chick to last. Quail all seem to hatch at once within a couple hours of each other. The hatch only lasts a few hours, not days. That's why people say quail hatch like popcorn.

BTW- The turkey laid her egg on the roost this morning. (Only 3 ft off the ground, so the egg didn't crack from the drop.) I think tomorrow or Thurs eve would be a good day to pick up some eggs, so the 1st one won't be too old.
Cool! Won't be long now. Quail are a little different hatching than chickens. With chicken eggs, you'll see an external pip & it can take up to 24 hrs before it hatches. It's a long, patient process. With quail, there's not much to see & then "pop" - You've got quail. Also, a clutch of chicken eggs takes about 48 hrs to hatch from 1st chick to last. Quail all seem to hatch at once within a couple hours of each other. The hatch only lasts a few hours, not days. That's why people say quail hatch like popcorn.

BTW- The turkey laid her egg on the roost this morning. (Only 3 ft off the ground, so the egg didn't crack from the drop.) I think tomorrow or Thurs eve would be a good day to pick up some eggs, so the 1st one won't be too old.
I just messaged about the turkey eggs actually. Ironic that I read this after I message messaged you. I would prefer tomorrow since I expect to have quail chicks Thursday to rush home to.

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