
In Chicago it is legal to keep chickens , but not legal to slaughter them.. That is why these places exist.. They do it in the right manner and are licensed for sure. There is one around Fullerton and Austin. One around Devon and Western , and one in Pilsen neighborhood. that I know of.
Does anyone have info on what it takes to become certified/licensed (in Illinois) to process chickens? It seems like it might be a great niche market to get into depending on the regulations.

Living far from Chicago and farther from Arthur, I would almost consider it a career move!

I saw some info online, but it is confusing.
Are you sure you want to do this???????????????? I know someone close that had a job at a turkey slaughter house in Minnesota. He LASTED 2 DAYS.. There is such a turnover in that position that the number surpasses the number of days in a year. Of course if you do a dozen chickens per week, I guess you may be able to handle it.

edit... He was the one doing the necks.
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I do not know if I want to (or make my hubby do it! HA!). Usually I need to see what is required from "the law" and if it stupidly stupid, I pass. Nothing like starting a business to find that the regs are too much to bear or pay for.

If it is a small operation (only a few a week) I think it is dooable, but still, I do not need a fine bigger than my wallet stalking me in the dark.
In some states, you can purchase a live chicken and then process it right there and then as the other person then owns the bird. There is So much conflicting info I am coming across.

I guess I was looking for a Processing Chickens for Dummies book. LOL
In some states, you can purchase a live chicken and then process it right there and then as the other person then owns the bird. There is So much conflicting info I am coming across.

I guess I was looking for a Processing Chickens for Dummies book. LOL
My sister used to process her own chickens. They would pick a fall date & set up stations outside. Of course, it was only for their own consumption & they lived in a very rural area. I doubt the police would have cared. I certainly wouldn't try to process chickens in my suburban backyard.
Yeah I don't think the neighborhood kids need to see all that. I remember once when I was I kid I went in the barn looking for our cat and my dad was skinning our rabbits. I of course thought my dad was just awful... but the "chicken" we had for dinner was good lol

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