
Well it's that time of the year I need to go by some 'white' eggs so the kids can color them, they are on sale everywhere for $0.99 and it's still annoying to purchase them...

I actually was going to get 6 white egg layers last year after Easter just for this single purpose, but that moment passed and was forgotten...

Anyone else with colored egg layers feel the same?

Sumi posted this on the Quotes and Thoughts thread.....maybe it applies to you
We only got an inch or so here.

Lol I miss during eggs we didn't have time last year and idk if we will this year.

Hatch has started had a pip in the only slw/Isa brown egg last night and this morning the little one is out and about :)
The 1st year we had chickens, we decided to keep the natural color of the eggs. I gave the kids some stickers. Today that's how they believe it should be done. DD explained to her little brother that others "have to" dye their eggs because all they have are boring white ones.

Today we make the eggs & hot cross buns. Tomorrow after our town's Easter egg hunt, the kids visit the neighbors to pass out eggs & hot cross buns. We have super neighbors! They, in return, give my kids baskets, candy, or small toys. It's like 2 days of Easter for them!

Sumi posted this on the Quotes and Thoughts thread.....maybe it applies to you :gig We only got an inch or so here.
We got a dusting that covered the gromd, but now that the sun is back out today that is all gone... If we don't hit up a community egg hunt, we generally just fill the plastic eggs and hide them all over the house for the kids...
Our Easter Bunny hides real eggs. It really puts the pressure on everyone to find them all! Two years ago they were hidden in the backyard. It was early & still dark, so I couldn't see well. When we went outside to find the eggs, DH & I saw bunny pieces scattered about under a tree. (Our dog loves to catch & eat rabbits!) DH looked at me & said in a solemn voice, "We were the little Easter Bunny's LAST STOP." Instead of capturing those cute photos of our children all dressed up, we were frantically trying to kick the rabbit pieces under the fence before the kids spotted them. Our goal was accomplished but we still chuckle about our dog eating the Easter Bunny! Can't wait until the kids are old enough to hear that story.

A hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun made with currants or raisins, marked with a cross on the top, and traditionally eaten on Good Friday in the British Isles, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada,
Yes exactly.

I'm a known baker, so for Easter everyone gets Hot Cross Buns, Fall= Herb bread,
Christmas = German Stollen, summer = honey butter rolls for the BBQs &/or burgers.​
Besides the neighbors, the teachers, mail lady, & friends all get a taste. I'd rather give little things throughout the year rather than stress out at Christmastime looking for the perfect gifts.Here's a pic of DD adding the eggs wash before they go into the oven. The baked pic isn't mine, but how they look when done. (We use more candied fruits, though.)

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