
Can you catch him live???? I want him as a pet. Luv them doggies.

Edit...... Actually see if you can get me one of them small puppies.
Ha I had one as a pet... NOT A DOG they do not want to please you like a dog and always was unpredictable. He would sleep with the cat inside and try to kill him outside. When mating season came around I woke up with him standing over me looking at me weird.. he went into the outside pen for 2 weeks until he started acting "normal" for him. Never did house break him.. although he did pee down the basement drain LOL ... He bit my boyfriend when he put his arm around me and we were all sitting on the couch... Never again
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Grumble, grumble...

Just returned home from the feed store to see a flippin' coyote walking my pasture's fence line anticipating and looking for the opportunity to jump in, all in full daylight at 3 o'clock!

The goats had retreated to the barn and the llamas had taken up defensive positions at the barn entrance, so all are safe, but it appears I need to have the firearms at hand once again to take care of the problem, as it took far too long to get them in hand and ready today...

And the coyote pretty much showed no fear even even as I approached, he/she just casually strolled away from me, with only a sidearm in hand there was no opportunity for me to take care of it this time as it kept just far enough out of range...

Dang! I only live like a mile from you too. I just got rid of that loud-mouth rooster too.
The neighbor actively shoots them, but they leave early and come home late.
Quote: He sure looks nice. How long did you have him? and what was the final outcome?

If you read enough of my posts, you would know I was not serious about wanting a coyote as a pet. MeepBeep I'm sure knew I was Joking. We supposedly have them in our area as well, but I personally never seen one. Others claim that they did. I take care of a few feral cats that are from the County TAR. program. Trap and release. They are all fixed and rabies shots administered. I know that coyotes do clean out feral cat populations. With me so far so good.
Another benefit my cats have is they can escape into higher out of reach areas.
I think coyotes are beautiful, but I don't want them near my chickens. We had the coyote visit twice in the neighbors yard behind mine. Could probably smell the chickens, but couldn't find them, thank goodness. I know the agricultural schools chicken pen has been hit by coyotes a couple of times. Sometimes you can see a couple of them running in the crop field, hopefully catching and eating mice. I also remember seeing something on the news a while ago about a town, reversing a law on trapping coyotes because of a rat problem. They said the coyote would help keep the rat population down. I guess coyotes are good for something.
Last winter (on multiple dates) we saw a coyote walking along the sidewalk just after dark. At 1st we thought it was someone's dog.... but there was no human?? We later realized what it was. It was pretty smart to walk on the sidewalk - no snow or cars to deal with. A few times it had "something" in its mouth. It definitely adjusted to suburban life. I never saw it in the backyard, thank goodness.
He sure looks nice. How long did you have him? and what was the final outcome?

If you read enough of my posts, you would know I was not serious about wanting a coyote as a pet. MeepBeep I'm sure knew I was Joking. We supposedly have them in our area as well, but I personally never seen one. Others claim that they did. I take care of a few feral cats that are from the County TAR. program. Trap and release. They are all fixed and rabies shots administered. I know that coyotes do clean out feral cat populations. With me so far so good.
Another benefit my cats have is they can escape into higher out of reach areas.
Coyotes were just starting to be seen around here back in the late 80's....I found him under a gooseberry bush in the back woods and thought some stray dog..He still had the umbilical cord... I didn't want any more stray dogs so I took him home...when I was a kid we raised dogs so bottle feeding was nothing new...thought I could find him a home in 8 wks... He had a darker cross down his back and across his shoulders, I looked up dog breeds trying to figure out which one... It wasn't long before I figured out what he was and wondered which gooseberry bush that was. LOL .. Never was really tame, hard to catch in the yard, but never jumped out. He would catch birds and eat them. He caught a ground hog and drug it into his house but never ate it. It had about a million bites though. Would not eat raw meat, I gave him a bowl of deer scrapes and he wouldn't eat it until I microwaved it LOL

I had him 2 yrs and 4 months... my Parents were worried that he would turn on me and wanted me to get rid of him. I didn't want to cull him and I sure wasn't letting him loose since he had no fear of man...Parents were visiting one august and I came home from work and he had "escaped" from a pen with 6' tall 2x4" wire on sides, 2' in on bottom and chicken wire on top and a locked gate. No place shown where he got out. Of course Parents said they didn't see or know anything

That winter a coyote left tracks on the wood pile and pawed under the gate to the back yard.. not sure if it was him ... but no other yote has pawed under the gate before or a few years after... I see lots of them... the dog I had then thought they all were friends LOL..I didn't have chicken then either... The dog I have now keeps them and the hawks/weasels away.
I was hoping you were joking... but I have had lots of people who really do think they would be a cool pet... Even people with small animals...

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I used to own exotic animals - before kids. I had ferrets, a wide variety of lizards (skinks, geckos, anoles, euromastix, bearded dragon, iguana, & occasional amphibians), but my favorite was my prairie dogs. They were exceptional pets. I've never had any animal more loyal & loving. I do not have any now because I do not think it's wise to own them while having young children. (Kids may move awkwardly which an animal could view as a threat.) Likewise, young kids put everything in their mouths, so we're holding off on reptiles for a couple years.

Prairie dogs "smile" by opening their mouths. They greet each other by touching teeth - looks like a kiss. When I would come home, they would herald my arrival with their, "Yahoo"s.
Pictured above was my Yahoo. (1998-2005) He was on TV with me a few times. The spoiled rodent even slept with me sometimes. They are naturally potty-trained & always return to their cage when needed - even when it means climbing down a flight of stairs. Because they are social animals, we had Yip, Yahoo, & Squeak. Yahoo is the one who was always smiling. As friendly as they are to their families, they can be very protective toward strangers. They had to be caged & could easily bite visitors. I hope to own them again someday, but when our last PD passed, we decided to wait until our kids are older.

My son is just now learning how to move around chickens. Several months ago, our poor rooster walked in front of the swings while DS was swinging high. Roo got kicked on the way up & again on the way back down. DS tried to move his legs out of the way, but the clueless bird got kicked about 5xs. Only after the 5th time, did he flare his hackles. By then I was able to grab the roo out of the way. Neither was hurt, but I explained to DS what could have happened. Now my son knows to make sure no chickens are near before he swings.
I used to own exotic animals - before kids. I had ferrets, a wide variety of lizards (skinks, geckos, anoles, euromastix, bearded dragon, iguana, & occasional amphibians), but my favorite was my prairie dogs. They were exceptional pets. I've never had any animal more loyal & loving. I do not have any now because I do not think it's wise to own them while having young children. (Kids may move awkwardly which an animal could view as a threat.) Likewise, young kids put everything in their mouths, so we're holding off on reptiles for a couple years.
You have OUTDONE ME on pets big time. I can never catch up.
But one of my daughters still has a chance. Could there be a possible genetic link???
Her latest pets include Hank, a toad, and some unnamed voles. In the past she had Sugar gliders, Hedgehogs, Hamsters, Gerbils, Not to forget her rescue dogs. BTW, she is the one who started me on chickens. Kept asking same question until DW said " OK you can have them" Oh yes cats also with her influence.
I used to own exotic animals - before kids. I had ferrets, a wide variety of lizards (skinks, geckos, anoles, euromastix, bearded dragon, iguana, & occasional amphibians), but my favorite was my prairie dogs. They were exceptional pets. I've never had any animal more loyal & loving. I do not have any now because I do not think it's wise to own them while having young children. (Kids may move awkwardly which an animal could view as a threat.) Likewise, young kids put everything in their mouths, so we're holding off on reptiles for a couple years.

Prairie dogs "smile" by opening their mouths. They greet each other by touching teeth - looks like a kiss. When I would come home, they would herald my arrival with their, "Yahoo"s.
Pictured above was my Yahoo. (1998-2005) He was on TV with me a few times. The spoiled rodent even slept with me sometimes. They are naturally potty-trained & always return to their cage when needed - even when it means climbing down a flight of stairs. Because they are social animals, we had Yip, Yahoo, & Squeak. Yahoo is the one who was always smiling. As friendly as they are to their families, they can be very protective toward strangers. They had to be caged & could easily bite visitors. I hope to own them again someday, but when our last PD passed, we decided to wait until our kids are older.

My son is just now learning how to move around chickens. Several months ago, our poor rooster walked in front of the swings while DS was swinging high. Roo got kicked on the way up & again on the way back down. DS tried to move his legs out of the way, but the clueless bird got kicked about 5xs. Only after the 5th time, did he flare his hackles. By then I was able to grab the roo out of the way. Neither was hurt, but I explained to DS what could have happened. Now my son knows to make sure no chickens are near before he swings.
I used to have ferrets.. they are like kittens forever .... I had 4 given to me at different times, when people were tired of them..
I thought about prairie dogs, but I never knew anyone that had them.. sounds like a good pet

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