
Theses boys are looking for a new home. There is actually a third I dont seem to have a photo of. We are located in central Illinois.


this is shawn. He was hatched in the spring. He is either a rir or a rir bo mix. Hes a good boy but is a little squirrelly.

This is guster. He was also hatched in the spring. He is a ee br mix. Hes a good boy.

The third is a br polish mix. He was hatched early summer. He is adorable but still in the hen house because hes to young to be in the roo coop.
If you are interested please let me know. Preferably they would go to a home where they wont become dinner.
I should also mention we are not happy to be re-homing but have an overflow of rooster currently. We would love to keep them but do not have enough room to have adequate hens for them.
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It's COLD out there today! Teddy came inside to sleep. (It was funny to have a rooster alarm clock.) I went into DD's room to wake her up & Teddy heard my voice - so he started crowing. He has no snooze button. She scooped him up & brought him into her bed for cuddles - but he kept crowing. This time in her ear. LOL

Trouble's chicks are 4 weeks old. I decided to leave them in their garage cage since they were looking rather chilly. Perhaps they'll get some grass time later today. Everyone else enjoyed running around outside & munching on frost.

Hard to believe it was 85'F a couple days ago. I picked a bunch of green tomatoes and the last of the green beans yesterday. I put a blanket over my Swiss chard, beets, carrots. I think I can keep them going a couple more weeks since I'm still over-loaded processing my tomatoes. My pathetic broccoli was just starting again. (Something kept eating it. Probably the same critter that stole all my apples & pears right off the trees!)
Rooster in bed... oh no. No way! I don't have a roster, but if I did he certainly wouldn't be in my bed. :lau
@Faraday40 Have you decided to hatch saramas for sale?
I'll probably hatch & sell some in spring. We'll see how they go. The main focus will still be my orps. If you're looking for seramas, I do have 2 1-week-olds:
1.jpg 2.jpg

These were just a test. I should probably sell them quickly before my children get too attached. Already, they jump up into my daughters arms when she calls for them.
Rooster in bed... oh no. No way! I don't have a roster, but if I did he certainly wouldn't be in my bed. :lau
I agree. (... and NOW so does DD. LOL) We're making a winter apartment in the garage for the "useless bantams." Seramas cannot take the bitter cold of single digits & below.

The recent "house chickens" are only partially due to weather. We lost both dogs & DD is taking it hard. Cuddling a loving pet helps & chickens are what we have.
My chickens just venture in the back door if it's open. They know theres good treats in there.
We have a Leghorn named Tillie who's always getting into our screened porch. The chicken yard is in the back half of the property, but she's always hopping the fence. For some strange reason, she's got it in her head that our back porch is where she must lay her eggs. I've been locking her up inside the "useless bantam" chicken tractor each morning until she lays her egg. After that, I let her out to free range and she stays in the back.

We do have some lap hens that like to come inside to watch TV with us. Of course no chickens are more spoiled than DD's "useless bantams." Her silkies get spa days, play dress up, and are carried around most of the day. They also get the best treats because my kids love to spoil them.
I thought my girls were spoiled lol they dont get to watch tv... unless it's off my phone. Which is a fantastic why to get the screen cracked btw. I try to make sure they dont make it inside just because they always give you that look and poop on the rug then run like their butts on fire.
I had a pullet spend last winter in the living room :oops:
But she was recovering from an october hawk attack in a parrot cage. She would look out the window or watch tv. I knew she was feeling better when she started scratching the bedding in March. Before that she just sat there. One of the few poultry that has a name.. I kept telling her how 'Lucky" she was

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