
Those prices are crazy high. I found that SamsClub is a good place to buy meat.
I got these steaks on Friday. I like to make a lot of stir frys, so I made a simple marinade, sliced the beef, and packaged it in 3/4 pound portions. (Yeah, I did stretch it a bit.) That brings the cost of meat down to $3.64 per dinner for 4. The meat stores flat in the freezer, the food saver bags make them last a long time, and the marinade saves time when preparing dinner. Stir frys are great with eggs & fresh garden veggies.



What Sams did have was limits on many products. For example, one could only buy 1 package of meat, beef, pork, or chicken..... so I chose beef. They also had a limit of 1 paper product - like TP, Paper towel, napkins, or plates. (The generics were sold out, so only name brands.) Although annoying since we only go there once every 2-3 months, it does help limit the hoarding.

The only thing that was difficult 1s the long lines to get in. Our SamsClub is in Cook County. I didn't like the idea of waiting 45-60 min in a line outside with so many people. Also in a county with a very high rate of infection. I was not planning to shop, but when I saw a short 10 min line, I changed my mind. Supposedly you can order online for curb pickup. However, the food stores I've tried have "not available" in every single time slot for 3-4 days. Sams, Walmart, Aldi, etc. allowed me to fill a cart..... but then can't schedule a pick up or delivery. I guess I need to order online at midnight when a new day is added. Has anyone been able to do this? For some reason, I have no problems at Farm and Fleet. I've been using their drive through pick up for over a year.
The adult quail have been giving me 1 egg (sometimes 2) / day.
18 days ago we set 9 eggs and only 3 developed. Those 3 eggs have pips.
Can't wait to see what hatches.

I was talking on another thread where people have been having poor hatches this year. They were wondering if it has anything to do with the odd weather. Has anyone else here had poor hatches this spring for unexplained reasons?

My turkey hatch was 100% (thanks to @Molpet)
My orpington hatches have been fine. Not perfect but above 80%
My serama hatches have been poor. (In winter when I didn't want chicks, they were 100%) Now only about 50%. Mostly quitters or die at hatch time. Of course, I'm not setting most of the eggs because I do not want a lot of 'useless' serama chicks.
The quail have had many infertile/clear eggs. I see the male doing his thing, so I don't understand. At 1st I though it was because the eggs were from early in the season. Then they had to grow accustomed to their new cage. Perhaps it's age? or weather?
The 1:3 ratio in the quail should be sufficient, but it could be spreading the male too thin as well. Can you tell if he favors one female? Or if he avoids one all together?
Tony's is price gouging. I will not shop there. I used to love going there, but they are being real @$$holes now during the pandemic. They immediately took their sales prices down when COVID-19 first gad bad 7 or 8 weeks ago. The only sales they would honor were the ones reflected in the sales flyers they had already published and distributed. All the signs behind the deli and meat counter were removed and prices were jacked up. I walked out of the store with hardly anything and refused to return.

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