
I've decided I'm going to appeal. I'll re-home these girls, my niece has some chicken people friends. Then I'll write my letter and start my protest rolling. Why put the option out there if they weren't going to allow it to happen? I met all their requirements and out of the 50 people they notified only 2 had any concerns which I addressed. So, my battle begins!!!! 😬😬😬
Hang in there! :hugs

They've already done the worst by saying No and crushing your heart. It won't hurt any worse to fight for what you want. If any friends can hold on to your chickens for you (for an unspecified amount of time), you'll be in a good place to show how you're doing everything required - including an empty coop - while you're asking for the appeal.

Having chickens go to a friend is always best because of the option to visit. If you still end up with a No after the appeal, there's always 'useless chickens.' (Most people call them seramas. ) Many people keep seramas as house pets. They're personable, small, and can be house in a parrot, rabbit, or dog cage. If they're housed indoors then they're not under the same rules. They're pets! Heck I'd even give you one of my seramas if you end up chicken-less. There's also quail (again another smaller, quieter option) if you can't own regular chickens. They do not have the personality (my opinion) but they lay a ton of cute little eggs.

Not-so-funny story:
There's a BYC member @chickendreams24 who was trying to prevent a huge chicken plant moving into the property 0.75 miles from her house. Her county has all kinds of ordinances regulating the number of livestock per acre. However because over 1 million birds will be housed inside multiple warehouses (not outdoors) the company doesn't have to follow the ordinances. ????? The land use for a new high density chicken farm was approved.
Yes, my tears are all dried up for now. I also thought it was a done deal. Then I found out that it had to go before the Council tonight. I ended up with 3 Ameuricana chicks. 10 weeks old today. Got rid of the rooster. Drove him down to Effingham to a very nice lady there. I've worked so hard on the coop and run making it bomb proof!!!! Now I'll year it all down. All the money I've spent and love given all gone. I'm numb.
So sorry they are jerks about the chickens :hugs
I've decided I'm going to appeal. I'll re-home these girls, my niece has some chicken people friends. Then I'll write my letter and start my protest rolling. Why put the option out there if they weren't going to allow it to happen? I met all their requirements and out of the 50 people they notified only 2 had any concerns which I addressed. So, my battle begins!!!! 😬😬😬

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