
Thank you,,,, to everyone for your kind thoughts. :hugs ... I look at the positive. She had 6 years of a comfortable loving life :) . Now I must get the frozen ground broken to bury her. I always return my pets to earth.
You could always freeze her and then wait until spring to bury her. I would think it near impossible to get through the ground right now. We did this once with our kitty. It was hard to do that, but we didn't have much choice.
Thank you,,,, to everyone for your kind thoughts. :hugs ... I look at the positive. She had 6 years of a comfortable loving life :) . Now I must get the frozen ground broken to bury her. I always return my pets to earth.
We've been in similar situations. The body of our 5' iguana could not be buried in February. We had some freeze thaw cycles and worried how long it would take to have her funeral. We bought a grill and had a cremation service. (a campfire could also work) That way we could save the ashes and wait until spring.
Umm TV saying 4 to 8 but this says...
View attachment 2506047
Well they are in line with everyone else now
So this morning, one of the babies brought me a frozen mouse and was pissed off she couldn't manage to eat it. Then I couldn't get the coop door to close because something is likely frozen on something else. And then as I was working on the door, I think I heard one of the babies try to crow. She did it a few times but of course just as I dropped the scraping tool and got my phone out of my pocket to try and video it, she stopped and ran off. Looking like a banner day!! TGIF!!!!
So this morning, one of the babies brought me a frozen mouse and was pissed off she couldn't manage to eat it. Then I couldn't get the coop door to close because something is likely frozen on something else. And then as I was working on the door, I think I heard one of the babies try to crow. She did it a few times but of course just as I dropped the scraping tool and got my phone out of my pocket to try and video it, she stopped and ran off. Looking like a banner day!! TGIF!!!!
"A whistling girl and crowing hen always come to no good end."
(It happens when there's no rooster. The top hen is just filling the void.)

The strangest thing my hens tried to eat was a possum arm/hand. My guess is some larger predator was snacking on it the night before, and the chickens found some of the carnage. At the time I thought it was a mouse but the shape looked odd. I joined in their little game of "Keep away" and was completely shocked with what I found.
"A whistling girl and crowing hen always come to no good end."
(It happens when there's no rooster. The top hen is just filling the void.)

This one is far from top hen. It was one of the babies!

The strangest thing my hens tried to eat was a possum arm/hand. My guess is some larger predator was snacking on it the night before, and the chickens found some of the carnage. At the time I thought it was a mouse but the shape looked odd. I joined in their little game of "Keep away" and was completely shocked with what I found.

OMG that's awesome!!! My husband texted me and said "what, no picture of the dead mouse!?!?!" because normally I'd be all over that but I was so busy trying to get the door to close and get to my zoom court on time, I couldn't snap a picture OR get a video of Betsy's "song." #failed

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