
You are probably familiar with the Garden of the Gods just a stone throw south of you, I first visited, explored, and camped in Southern Ill. about 30 years ago. Beautiful county.
There are many Illinois peeps here on this thread. There are a few from the south as well,,, although they do not post often.
That does not mean that they don't read the posts.
:welcome and Illinois thread.:highfive:
Thanks so much for the welcome!
We are abt 1.5-2hrs away from Garden of the Gods!
Naaaa, lol...its not sad!!!
We may be planning a trip there in a few wks now lol...
Although, having younger kids kinda worries me with the drop off I've heard abt 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Eeeewwwww….I was going to see about going since I never knew it existed and take the kiddos so they can’t say that lol. But 6 kids is probably not going to be fun if there is drop offs…
Eeeewwwww….I was going to see about going since I never knew it existed and take the kiddos so they can’t say that lol. But 6 kids is probably not going to be fun if there is drop offs…
Yeah, from what I've been told there are drop offs! I considered wearing my youngest on my back but he's 7 ...I don't think he'd appreciate that 🤣🤣🤣 (nor do I think I can actually accomplish that amount of walking with his behind on my back 😅)
Perhaps I should go first and scope it out 🤔
Yeah, from what I've been told there are drop offs! I considered wearing my youngest on my back but he's 7 ...I don't think he'd appreciate that 🤣🤣🤣 (nor do I think I can actually accomplish that amount of walking with his behind on my back 😅)
Perhaps I should go first and scope it out 🤔
You could. Then hope your kids take you seriously when you tell them you will fall off. My kids might want to just see if I’m kidding.🤦‍♀️

My 6 years old girl may not mind lol or the 5 yr old and 2 yr old. Heck I’m pretty positive none of my kids would mind me carrying them. Might be uncomfortable but if they don’t have to walk, it’s a bonus for them lol. The others are 9, 12, and 14 so they would be WAY heavy 😂

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