illness or just old?

That’s great news! Hopefully with a bit of TLC she can bounce back.

Where are you located in the world? Is it quite cold? And what is the ventilation like in your coop? Poor ventilation can result in/exacerbate respiratory issues.

Keep Butters warm, hydrated, minimise stress and encourage her to eat. I have read that apple cider vinegar can help clear mucous. You could dilute a small amount in water and offer it to her — but it’s not something to give all the time.
it’s still fairly warm here but we’ve had a few chilly days lately. the coop is an old gazebo and when it’s nice out i leave the side flaps open and there’s chicken wire so they won’t get out and predators won’t get in so the ventilation should be okay. recently completely cleaned out all the old hay and stuff so it was very dusty. none of the birds were inside while it was being cleaned but it’s possible it took a while for the dust and stuff to ventilate out.
she did have mucous from the nostrils, all my chickens did for her it was runny when i saw the others with it it was a green crust. for the other birds it went away on its own so i assumed it was something that would pass then today she suddenly became very i’ll.

she’s been sneezing and breathing with her mouth open, and coughing as well

it started with my new rooster, then the others formed the bubbly eyes. the first thing i noticed was the rooster gurgling
That's the downside of bringing in new birds, you risk introducing disease to your flock. Sounds like it all started with the new rooster. Could be Mycoplasma.

I would try treating her with an antibiotic like Tylosin to see if she improves. Work on hydration and see that her crop is emptying. Since she's an older hen, her immune system may be weaker than some of the others and she's having a harder time fighting the illness.
my pretty lady butters has started slowly and slowly getting weaker and weaker. she is the oldest of the chickens so old only her and one sister remain! (and a new rooster we brought in) they both stopped laying eggs but today she can no longer move.. family thinks it’s just old age but prior to this i noticed a problem in my chickens.they all had runny eyes and began gurgling. she’s currently laying at the entrance to the coop, limp, and gurgling. she’s definately very old but i wonder if there is a sickness that is bringing her to death faster. all my ducks haven’t had any symptoms. i’m not sure if there’s a way to add videos or else i’d show her gurgles. i’ve had chickens for many years but illnesses have never been a problem, only wounds that got infected due to predators or one pesky neighbors dog. which is an easy solution as i just give them antibiotics. what’s the best option to do if all my birds are sick?
(none of the birds have watery eyes or any other signs of sickness right now, the only thing butters has other than lethargy is the gurgling but about a week ago they had bubbly eyes and runny noses)
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today she had to have her butt wiped down itwas covered in green poop , she’s been drinking but not eating on her own and the gurgling seems to be a lot less.she’s been standing on her own more but still is weak

I’m so happy she’s improved! The green is likely from poor nutrition because she isn’t eating.

If you’re comfortable sourcing the items and learning how, you could tube feed her liquid food. You can also feed liquid food with just a syringe. Small amounts frequently are better than a lot all at once. A good liquid food is raw egg, baby food and a little bit of yoghurt or kefir.

Otherwise keep encouraging her to eat, whatever she will take. Bread bits soaked in egg, scrambled egg, liver, mealworms, sometimes sick hens prefer things like cucumber or watermelon.
today she had to have her butt wiped down itwas covered in green poop , she’s been drinking but not eating on her own and the gurgling seems to be a lot less.she’s been standing on her own more but still is weakView attachment 3631790
View attachment 3631793
Her crop is emptying?

Did you ever treat her with antibiotics?

I'm glad she's still hanging in there, I'm hoping she will continue to improve.
today she had to have her butt wiped down itwas covered in green poop , she’s been drinking but not eating on her own and the gurgling seems to be a lot less.she’s been standing on her own more but still is weakView attachment 3631790
View attachment 3631793
she’s walking today. gonna start giving the other birds antibiotics since it seems to be working.

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