**Im a little offended!**

When I read threads like this, I am so incredibly grateful for my fresh-egg-hungry friends and neighbors. I haven't encountered anyone who would turn their nose up at eggs that fresh, THANK GOD! If I did, I would grab them and take them to the nesting box and show them it's just for laying and not for pooping and then I might find a diagram to explain the entire process and explain about air cells and blooms and whatever else I could tell them. I would lecture them until they agreed to eat one right there on the spot! lol. Although, I do have one friend who was excited about the fresh eggs until I explained the anatomy of chickens. She's very germ OCD. I think it scared her.

It is so sad how mis-informed people are about their food. My favorite thing to do in the summer as a kid, was to go to the garden, pull up a carrot, dust it off on my pants & eat it right there. Same with tomatoes, just give me a salt shaker & I was off picking warm tomatoes and eating away. Two of my dogs would go into the garden where I had large cherry tomatoes, and would pick there own & lay in the front yard & eat them.

I have two eggs that my hens laid, (small beginner eggs)
, and going to use both in my brownie mix, since both will add up to one large egg. I just love how bright they are and how firm the shells are, not like those silly white eggs at the store, where you have to open at least 4 egg cartons to find a dozen that do not have any broken eggs in them.
I will be so happy when the rest of my hens atart laying & I will not need to buy store bought eggs anymore.
Sounds like he has Cibophobia, or fear of food. It can manifest in many forms.
The trip off is that he also will not eat home raised veggies.
He can't help himself.

Me, I won't eat raw shellfish. Don't like to think of eating a live creature. Everyone is afraid of something.

Hope you can forgive him.
It is amazing how many folks have lost touch with where their food comes from and how to feed their family from home.... He'd sure be in deep do-do if he ever had to supply his own food from the land.

Dang Ma where is a McDonalds?
Sounds like the guy has some serious psychological problems around food -- but mostly his TACT as a "friend" is MIA.

At least one BYCer has admitted not being able to eat eggs from their own chickens, so apparently your friend is not alone. Wonder if it's some kind of OCD disorder around cleanliness. If only they knew how dirty much commercial and restaurant food...

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