**Im a little offended!**

My neighbor is just like this too..She and her hubby will go fishing, and give us the fish, because it did not come from a store..WOnt drink raw milk, wont eat our eggs, etc..Unless it came from walmart, she will have nothing to do with it!
I have been giving a friend fresh eggs for the last year. She has paid me on occasion but majority of the time they were free to her and her family. I would usually give 3 - 4 18 packs. At first the eggs were brown and white. I no longer have chickens that lay white eggs and now all of my eggs are brown and blue/green. She informed me after a year that she only eats white eggs! Why?? She did not have a real good answer for me. Apparently the last 4 cartons I gave her a week or so ago went to her parents and their neighbor. No more free eggs from me!!
Wow! I cant believe all these stories! It truly is SAD how people dont get where their food comes from and that backyard chicken eggs are sooo much better and cleaner than store bought!!
After having my first "real" egg from a farmer friend, I decided right then and there that I was going to raise my own chickens and refused to buy/eat a store bought egg ever again. My friend had a new customer. He had a "slow" time for a couple of weeks, and my girls weren't laying yet, so I thought, "hmmmmm, should I take a chance on those ones that say *farm fresh* *cage free* or some such nonsense?" They should be as good as my friend's if the package says so, right? BIG mistake. HUGE.

Oh, they were brown alright, but looked, smelled and tasted just like any other store bought egg. My first clue should have been that they were all exactly the same size, color, shape, you know what I mean. The dogs had eggs for breakfast til they were gone.

I was angry not only because I paid more for them than I gave for my friend's eggs, but because that producer ( or whoever) is allowed to advertise on the cartons like that. Completely false.

I have five laying right now and a list of people who want them longer than I can keep up with...( I come first...

I feel sorry for people who can't, won't or don't want to try a real farm fresh egg. All I can say is.....MORE FOR MEEEEEE!
We used to have about 4 hens and sold the few eggs we didn't eat ourselves. We couldn't keep up and decided to get more hens. We now have 50 free range layers and we still can't keep up!
The things I hear over and over from my customers is how nice the eggs are, how horrible shop eggs are and "the yolks are ORANGE!!"
The most alarming thing I heard about batteries is that most of the hens tested carry disease like salmonella, which they pass on to the eggs.
Google up a video from inside a commercial facility. Those places I'm sure are as he put it "EWWWW" more than your coop could ever be.He will never eat store eggs again and be your best customer. Personally I dont even go for breakfast anymore because the eggs they use arent mine.
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People like that just really irk me. I would be in divine heaven if I didn't have to buy anything from the grocery store! We are slowly working toward that now.

Yesterday DH asked what I was going to do with the Duck Eggs that I have been collecting lately (we were given a duck that just started laying, not sure sure of breed yet though) I told eat them. And he looked at me and said you aren't feeding me a duck egg. I said well did you eat any of the Molasses Cookies I made this afternoon? He said well yeah. Well then you ate duck eggs!!
He said oh. Okay then!
I know I have posted this on BYC before, but I have to tell it again. When my hens first started laying in 2009 (finally, I thought) and I had accumulated 10 or so in the fridge, I noticed that there appeared a carton of store-bought eggs on the shelf.

Me -- "What's this?"
DH -- "Those are MY eggs."

I thought he was refering to my calling the fresh eggs "my eggs" and that he had his feelings hurt.

Me -- "But we have all these fresh eggs, now."

Then the truth came out.

DH -- "I don't eat eggs from chickens."
Me -- "Where do you think those eggs (pointing to the carton) come from?"
DH -- "Sam's"

I read the OP to DH and asked if it sounded familiar. He smiled and kissed me and said, with a wink, "No." He now loves our eggs and we haven't seen a storebought egg since last Thanksgiving. My boys, on the otherhand, fought over who was going to eat the first egg and still "call" any really big or oddly shaped or colored ones for themselves. My youngest is chomping at the bits to process a chicken, particularly one specific rooster, for dinner. I'M not ready for that, although I could if I needed to. I'm just emotionally attached to each of mine.
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You and me, both!
If my garden would have cooperated better this year
I'd be a lot closer! Now, if only I could figure out how to grow my own toothpaste and ibuprofens

BTW, as close as you are to Jacob's Cave, are you gonna be at the swap meet in a few weeks?
Just curious, as we're planning to make our first trip to see it
and I know where Half Way is

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