**Im a little offended!**

Thank you thank you. Y'all gave a whale of a laugh this afternoon. Wow. Dar that 9 year old is my kinda girl. I laughed 5 minutes after I read that. And husband and Sams club. Funny people.

My wife love the eggs but won't let me grow out a steer. But she will by all Ingles sells. Why? She says she didn't know that one. What is it with growin one to eat and going to the store and eating a stranger?
I am actually in the process of trying to talk my hubby into it! We had planned on going earlier this year, but it didn't work out. I have never been and thanks to the Missouri thread I want to go so badly! lol...and I told him we had to take the truck just in case
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After having my first "real" egg from a farmer friend, I decided right then and there that I was going to raise my own chickens and refused to buy/eat a store bought egg ever again. My friend had a new customer. He had a "slow" time for a couple of weeks, and my girls weren't laying yet, so I thought, "hmmmmm, should I take a chance on those ones that say *farm fresh* *cage free* or some such nonsense?" They should be as good as my friend's if the package says so, right? BIG mistake. HUGE.

Oh, they were brown alright, but looked, smelled and tasted just like any other store bought egg. My first clue should have been that they were all exactly the same size, color, shape, you know what I mean. The dogs had eggs for breakfast til they were gone.

I was angry not only because I paid more for them than I gave for my friend's eggs, but because that producer ( or whoever) is allowed to advertise on the cartons like that. Completely false.

I have five laying right now and a list of people who want them longer than I can keep up with...( I come first...

I feel sorry for people who can't, won't or don't want to try a real farm fresh egg. All I can say is.....MORE FOR MEEEEEE!

Haha!! I also taste tested both eggs because I haven't had store bought for a looong time and all I can say to the store bought eggs is..gross! D: lol
This just shows you how ignorant people are. The world is hard to live in sometimes.
I wish I had a farm away from it all.
I'll take a dozen..
The OP's story reminds me of one of our neighbors. He got some chickens because his wife wanted them; then, neither she nor her daughters (both grown women) would eat the eggs because they just didn't like the idea of eating fresh chicken eggs. Apparently, she just wanted the chickens because she thought it would be nice and quaint to have some hens and to hear a rooster crowing in the morning.
I don't think she even interacted with the birds but let her husband do all the chicken chores even though she was the one who thought it would be such a neat idea to have some chickens since she was in a somewhat rural area; I guess it seemed like the "country" thing to do or something.

On the other hand, my best friend doesn't have any chickens, but she gets most of her eggs from her kids' grandparents on their dad's side, and she says her kids love fresh eggs and can't get enough of them. Also, the neighbors right across the road from us get their eggs from a relative and used to have chickens themselves, and another neighbor up the road used to always keep chickens (and on occasion guineas and a turkey) for eggs and meat. We're in a very chicken friendly area. lol!

I don't think anyone in my general area has a problem with farm fresh vegetables because nearly everyone on my road grows a garden in the summer. The only thing we've been growing lately is tomatoes, but we used to grow a bigger garden until everyone got tired of all the garden related chores, but we may start again in the future.
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I wouldn't let my girls hear what your friend said...THEY'D be offended! I love hard-boiled eggs from my pullets because the eggs don't smell "sulfur-y" at all, compared to the eggs from the store that I would hard-boil.
My mother says my eggs are disgusting too! I don't care though. I'm not obligated to give her any.
Rather than choosing to be offended, I think I'd feel kinda sorry for the guy and chalk his statement up to ignorance. As many have mentioned, farm eggs are more likely to be cleaner and less disgusting than commercially-raised eggs. Maybe not in outside appearance, but after the salmonella scare awhile back, I'd rather take chances on my own eggs than buy eggs that comes from who-knows-where. Also, the person who won't eat farm eggs because they're not "processed" may have meant "pasturized". Once again, going back to the salmonella thing. I have a sister-in-law who also refuses to eat farm eggs. (Mine are various shades of brown, green, and blue) I just call it her loss. If she wants to eat icky, flavorless store-bought eggs, that's her problem. I refuse to become offended and make it mine.

ETA - Fresh eggs are why my DH encourages my chicken habit... er, hobby. He won't eat a store egg.
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This may sound a tad silly and not on subject, but I've just about stopped completely eating fried chicken cause at KFC just about all the bones are broken. I just difficult to eat with many short bones. Then I think about the chicken and what he would of felt. I love fried chicken but not bought out anymore.
Oh yes my DD is a GEM....
it can get bad sometimes.. hubby says he will consume a LOT of adult beverages when she hits teen years

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