I'm afraid to take away the paper towels !!!

My coop isn't finished yet, so I'll be keeping them inside a little longer.
Thank you for responding.

When I went shopping for my chicken supplies Tractor Supply was out of the pine. I guess there was an unusual demand for the pine that week.
I'm sure I'll probably switch to that later.

Thank you for helping me decide.
Keene's coop :

mine are a week today too and i put shavings in when they were 4 days old. and yes they do peck at it only because it's something new. don't worry.

Thanks for your response. I guess since I've been watching them go after their food so enthusiastically, I figured they'd do the same to shavings.
Chicken D's mom :

I love pine shavings! My chicks like to play "keep away" with a bit of pine shaving. Fun to watch!

I'm amazed at how much time I spend just watching them. I'm looking forward to their antics. Thanks !
Boy ! Can I relate to you. I have a silkie that is quite a bit smaller than the other silkies and she has had some slow crop issues . I think I'm going to wait another week on the silkies being changed over. Yes , I'm a "chicken".
I hate pine shavings, they kick them in their water, food and out of the box and then when they step in the water and walk on the shavings the whole box becomes a big wet mess.
I keep them on paper towel over pine shavings for 2 weeks because it is easier, even though I change them everyday.
You're braver than I. We have some friends that got 75 chicks in one shipment and immediately put them on shavings. They haven't said anything about losing any yet, so I guess it worked out o.k.


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