i'm amazed..

One word---- USED BOOK STORE------

wait that's three words.

I buy all my books used.

I'll read anything, even the label on a Baking Soda can, if they ain't nothing else.
Hah!..another memory victim like myself-----Martian Chronicles was written by Ray Bradbury, Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote "John Carter of Mars"
amazon.com is the place to go! I can get 2 books from my favorite authors for $8 including shipping. That is the way to go. I NEVER buy new. Instead I look for the bargain penny books. I have collected all of my favorite authors that way.


I hit the books at thrift stores, Goodwill stores and any other place that sells used books. Most of my "collection" comes from Goodwill, and they have an online book site also.
i finished my book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 498 pages read in 2 days

now time for eclipse..

by the way i'm dead tired cuz i was up till 3 reading LOL
Good luck with the book readings, by the time I was 18, I had read over 5000 books---All the Tarzan series, Doc Savage, Danny Dunn, Tom Corbett, and any Sci-fi I could find. This was in B.C. of course (Before Computers) I have since discovered E-books and spent my rainy days reading, if the Sun is shining, I'm in my Garden or messing with the Chickens avoiding the "Honey-Dew" list. After you read the Twilight series, go for the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton, it will make your Twilight look like a preschool primer series.

Does the Anita Blake series come in anything but graphic novels? That is all I could find at my library so far...
I LOVED "Last of the Breed"! I never thought I'd like Louis L'Amour, just thought he wrote 'cowboy' stuff and didn't think it could be any good. I picked "Last of the Breed" up while on a trip out of desperation, and couldn't put it down! I remember thinking "Hey! Why didn't anyone tell me this guy is a real author?" --- yes yes! I know, a very narrow minded outlook!! But in my defense, I was maybe 18 or so and you know at that age you're pretty convince you know everything and no one can possibly tell you different.

I had a Jr High English teacher tell my mom that she wasn't sure if I was passing her class because of my reading or in spite of it. I used to get in trouble regularly for having a book, not related to the class, in my lap. I learned to multi-task and could usually answer questions anyway though. It drove all my teachers crazy!
OY, I've tried for YEARS to tell our son that but so far no luck.

That is AWESOME you found The Book that opened that door for you!

Meyer also wrote The Host (which I liked) and has a new one in the works on that series called The Soul.

Couple other things as well, but I've not read them at all.
Sorry to double post lovesduckies, but here are some other books along the same lines... not exactly, but they're all quite readable and a little bit along the lines of the twilight books. There ARE Anita Blake books that are not in graphic format, I think she wrote something like 17 or 18 of em! they got a little tired for me after a while... Anyway, you might like some of these.

The Mercedes Thompson Series by Patricia Briggs
The Hollows series (also called the Rachel Morgan series) by Kim Harrison
The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher
Kitty Norville Series by Carrie Vaughn
Sookie Stackhouse Series By Charlaine Harris

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