I'm confused on it's gender and curious of the breed


In the Brooder
Jan 8, 2016
The Mitten
Sometimes she acts like a hen, other times like a rooster. Everyone I run into seems to have differing opinions on her sex so I thought I'd ask the experts! Also curious on what you guys think the breed is?

Hopefully this picture worked better
Thank you guys so much it appears unanimous! Well this brings up another question probably for another board but I'll stick with you guys first. This means I have only 5 hens and 2 roosters, this white one does his own thing for the most part, they are all living peacefully together, but the other is definetly dominant. Is it unwise to keep both boys as I do not want to brew a bad situation. We are torn because we actually like both roosters a lot!
I'm assuming that both birds are still juvenile, If so, their temperament may change as they grow into themselves. If they free range you will be more likely to get away with keeping both males but the pullets will probably get a hard time from two of them and that could cause feather loss and stress which can trigger other health problems. If they are penned up, you could come home to a blood bath one day.

If you really wanted to keep them both without too much concern you could build a bachelor pad for the lads away from the girls and they are more likely to live in harmony that way, when they have no ladies to fight for.

@Rhodebar Lover ..... it crossed my mind too that it might be a red sex link....which of course is still a mixed breed bird.

Maybe if the OP could tell us where he got it from, it might shed some more light on it's possible background.

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