im crying...droped egg while candeling it..

It's okay, I've done it too.
I don't think I even new what I was looking for....the other two need to be candled then.I don't want them to explode...I couldn't see anything in the egg that dropped..
so when should I check the other two..not tonight I just can't do it..
It was an accident-don't beat yourself up.

Believe me, I've juggled more eggs than I care to admit while candling.
Candle as soon as you feel comfortable.
Wendy'sChicksRock :

I don't think I even new what I was looking for....the other two need to be candled then.I don't want them to explode...I couldn't see anything in the egg that dropped..
so when should I check the other two..not tonight I just can't do it..

I'd give yourself a day or two to recover from this and then candle the other two. You can candle up to the 18th day in fact. You CAN do it!

When you candle, you're basically looking for a little "blob". Make sure it's really dark in the room. I never see movement so don't worry about that...just look for a dark blob and veins.​
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Wendy'sChicksRock :

is their a trick with the blue eggs? I mean I didnt see a thing in the first one.

If you didn't see anything in the 1st one, then it wasn't even fertile. See? Most likely you didn't kill a chick after all.
Do you always have to candle? I never have and the mama just kicks it out of the nest, I never had one explode...I was just wondering if it Has to be done....mine have had many babies and I just let them do their thing....So Sorry that happened, like someone else said , Im sure its happened to everyone that candles at least once...have faith the other two babies will hatch !

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