Im done.... I think the chickens are going... :(

Generally litter is shavings, hay or straw in regards to chickens.
I also have 3 very "wild" children, ages 2...4...6 They do make a messes and it is VERY maddening
but it wont be long and they will be all grown. Every mess is a lesson and early lessons are of more value IMO. I am not trying to tell you your business but I have found that even in the past year since we got the chickens they aren't so new and they are only interested when something new happens like a wierd egg. But if the chickens are hindering instead of helping you have quality time with the kiddos then finding them a new place or sending them to the freezer may be your best option. the chickens not the kids
Yep, sounds like a kid problem
There is a reason someone invented latches that keep kids out of cabinets. The little ones are fast and inquisitive. My wife once went to take a shower and told the 4 year old to watch the 2 year old. My wife figured she had 15 minutes at the least. The older one watched her sister open the front door and go across the street to the park.
"Where is your sister?" my wife asked. "In the Park" was the reply. No one said "make sure your sister doesn't go outside". My wife didn't even think she could unlock deadbolt on the door.

Good thing it is a SMALL dead end street!!! It is somewhat amazing that she made it to her current 17 years of age given she STILL didn't stop and look both ways before crossing the street when she was 8 or 9 or 10. She does now

Even if you could deter the kids, I don't know how you would keep the chickens off the patio. Chicken poop is good for the grass
I've seen lots of 3' fences with chicken wire and figured that kept the chickens where you want them or out of where you don't want them. I have since discovered that a 4' fence will keep a chicken exactly where IT wants to be. Every one of my dozen girls can get to the top of a 4' fence without much effort. From the lightweight Cubalayas to the heavy Easter Eggers and Australorps. One of the Anconas flew to my shoulder from the ground and to the top of my wife's head from the ground - 5' in both cases. And it was a surprise both time bsecause she wasn't "invited". Effort? Well, yeah, she did have to fly because she can't jump that high.
I think it took a hop and a whole 3 or 4 flaps.

Good luck and if you decide to give them up (the chickens I mean), you can use the coop for storage or a play house until the kids are older and you are ready to try again. Wouldn't that be a fun turn about. I've seen lots of people's coops that were re-purposed kid's play houses no longer of interest to the kids.

Playing independently doesn't mean doing anything they want. A mother gets tired of saying no, so locks and latches sound like the solution. You can allow them to "help" you with the chickens when you are able to supervise.
I think they are going. The lady on craigslist sounded nice. They will be happy. I will miss yall. And we can try again in a few years.
I actually understand your perspective. -wanted chickens for a while, but got 'em this year for the first time. -kids are 14 and 19. I actually have the time, at this point in life, to devote to chickens. My two kids were very active and inquisitive. -only had a dog when they were small. I wanted to enjoy the kids - full time!! (Now, it's a zoo around this place.....but the young 'uns take care of their own pets.) I think keeping chickens whilst raising small children is a very individual, personal decision and not for everyone. -hope that your flock finds a very good home and that you just enjoy those precious children! (They do grow too fast!) .....and, contemplate a flock in a few years!!
-best of luck on your decision!

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