I'm fed up with Paychex again (regarding taxes)

If you want more taken out say so.....you fill out a new w4 form with every employer you want more money withheld from and it asks what you want to claim and if you want more money taken out each pay period that will be withheld. I do it now it is like a savings to me.
I don't care if you're a sandwich-folder at Subway, have a CPA do your taxes, they'll charge you $400 or so but it'll be the best $400 you've ever spent, they'll save you a TON, and you can either have 'em do your taxes each year, or learn from how they did yours and do your own for a few years before you pay for a CPA again.
Gross pay is your total paycheck, including insurance deductions and taxes witheld, and any other perks etc.
Net pay is what you actually end up bringing home.
My grandma is some certified tax preparer, she taught me, and my sister is working on her CPA. I think I've got it covered, minus the $400
But neither of them answered the phone the other day when I posted, and the chart helped so thanks BYC!

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