I'm Freakin Out Man!

Are they dying? I have had that happen right as they had their last breaths- death throes.

I think this may be a case of peritonitis or some other yolk-related infection, because they're right at the stage where they use up their yolk. 'Sudden Death' syndrome looks like this and has no known cause or treatment.

So sorry for you!
I am sorry for your trouble, be comforted in knowing it was not your fault.

I've heard it said that the bible says trouble comes to visit but it never comes to stay. Unfortunately trouble visits us all from time to time.

All the best
Thank you all for immediate and wonderful support. My heart is very sad over the loss and to see the intense suffering was overwhelming. Thank you, Thank you Thank you!
Good heavens! All gone but 2 ready to go!

That's just awful. They must have encountered something at some stage of distribution or travel that caused this. I would certainly have the order refunded or repeated. Did yo see any sign (sticker, etc) that said what day they shipped? They may have taken too long and suffered some internal damage from dehydration.

I would definitely double-check the brooder thermometer as a precaution prior to new chicks, and toss the chick feed you're using. The bag may be contaminated.

I wish I had a magic wand to fix this!
I'm sure you have thought of this, but just in case...be sure you scrub and bleach the brooder before you add the new babies to it.

What a horrible thing to have to watch. I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry this happened to you and your family. It is so sad.

If it is worse than that video, it might be they are all just dying. Sometimes when something dies it will have a seizure. It is horrible.

They might have caught something early in their trip, but I think it may have happened at the hatchery. It takes a couple of days for bacteria or a virus to show symptoms.

I agree with rancher hicks, I would not put the others in my flock even if they recovered unless I knew for sure it would not spread.
I also agree with the person that wrote to toss the feed. I would scrub down everything with bleach really well. Be very careful to wash hands etc both for your safety and the rest of your flocks.
Well Sunday we cleaned and scrubbed everything down, not one made it. So the new babies arrive Thursday, we are hoping for better luck. Thank you to everyone who chimed in to help. Friday is a day I would just rather forget.


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