I'm getting REALLY frustrated

***UPDATE***.....Well, after 2 weeks the girls put themselves to bed last night!!!! Only fellow chicken lovers can understand the pure joy that moment gives!! That's right...I did a Big Time Happy Dance..Oh yeah, baby! I am sure I looked like a lunatic!!!! Thank goodnesss it was dark!!!!

To the last poster: I have the Eglu Cube with extension and LOVE it!!!! I put the girls out at 80 degrees and since this is New England and the weather changes daily...it dropped to 40 degrees. I checked on the babies and they were as happy as a clam!!! When the temp had shot up to near 90 and they were still in coop only...I just cracked top and front and they were fine...not even panting. We also had a torrential downpour and I held my breathe as I have seen other posts but not one drop inside. This coop is the REAL DEAL so far!! It was worth every penny and....I didn't even mention how ridiculously easy to clean it is!!! I have only had it for a couple weeks but so far I am thrilled!
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