I'm going to kill my husband


Emerald Green is the egg color

Be prepared they eats a BUNCH!
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Tell him to wear a bra for the next 21 days with one egg in each cup.

They probably won't fit in your bator so he's gonna have to do the incubating the old fashioned way. Try really hard not to snicker while telling him all of this with a perfectly straight face. Tell him you read it here.

He'll be wearing that bra a little longer than that... I think the emu incubation period is around 50 days and I think the temp is a little lower than chickens also.​
Yeah, 50 some odd days.

If I can make it fit in this incubator...how many of you BCYer's are going to try this too?
And to think my biggest worry was that he was going to buy a standard breed chicken! (I only have Bantams and Polish)
Good Heavens. My husband and I always joke he brings home the 'mammoth' and I'm the cavewoman that turns it into mammothfood. I can just picture him rocking up home with emu eggs someday too!! Same conversation too, "Why did you only get two eggs?" And I can picture the cheesy grin, "Me bring home mammoth!"

Bless your husband's little cotton socks. Then stuff him down his throat. Then say 3 Hail Mary's. Then drink 3 bloody Mary's. All will be right until morning. And by then, you will have forgotten.
Oh man, I'll pay handsomely for any extra emu chicks you want to sell.

By the way, will you ask your DH if he can sex em for me?

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