I'm going to kill my husband

Don't kill your husband--send the emu eggs to me!
Yup. He's so odd. I can never tell what he's going to like. He didn't have a single animal when we met. Now we have 2 cornish rex cats, one standard poodle, one LG Chihuahua, 7 chickens, and the soon to be EMU eggs.

You need to learn the phrase, "DH, would you prefer X or Y?" (with X & Y both being acceptible choices) and substitute that phrase instead of the open-ended, "DH, what do you want?"

Just think, you could have said, "Do you prefer birds that lay brown eggs, or ones that lay white eggs?" Or "leghorns or barred rocks" or "white cochins or partridge cochins?"

That said, you will now have guard birds. You willl need to look up their incubation needs, though--pretty sure it is a lot drier than chickens, as well as a lot longer. BTW, my incubator was originally setup as an emu incubator; I've never hatched any, though, only chickens.

Well, when I said "Order whatever kind of eggs you want, and I'll run a test hatch" I didn't think it'd be EMU eggs. I thought he'd order something like leghorns. He's been going on and on about wanting leghorns....I only get bantams and weird things, so I figured it'd be LEGHORNS. NOT EMUS!
Normal people don't go from Leghorns to Emus....there's usually some kind of stop in between...
Wow they have Irish indians????????????????


Here they do. An entire family of them. My great grandfather was irish, and my great grandmother was cherokee indian. Our husbands don't even try to drink with us.
Wow they have Irish indians????????????????


Here they do. An entire family of them. My great grandfather was irish, and my great grandmother was cherokee indian. Our husbands don't even try to drink with us.

Em, I'm married to a Cherokee, I darn sure ain't drinking with her! If I did, I'd be scared to go to sleep, bad things might happen.
Here they do. An entire family of them. My great grandfather was irish, and my great grandmother was cherokee indian. Our husbands don't even try to drink with us.

Em, I'm married to a Cherokee, I darn sure ain't drinking with her! If I did, I'd be scared to go to sleep, bad things might happen.

Does she get mean? I can go either way...If I drink tequila I get mean...generally anything else and I'm just funny.
Em, I'm married to a Cherokee, I darn sure ain't drinking with her! If I did, I'd be scared to go to sleep, bad things might happen.

Does she get mean? I can go either way...If I drink tequila I get mean...generally anything else and I'm just funny.

Nope, she's the other way around. On Tequila she gets FUN
On everything else she tries to retake the United States... starting with ME!
You guys are distorting history...I've watched every old western on tv.

Indians did not ever drink Tequila.

They drank stuff called Firewater. I saw the movies...firewater made them mean.

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