I'm going to kill my husband

I have all you beat. My mother and thus me, is Cherokee, Creek, Irish AND Mongolian (descended from the Khans believe it or not)
Everyone hides when she's mad

OMG, remind me not to make you mad

Cherokee & Creek? Please tell me from different sides of the family... If not THAT would be an interesting story.

Oh I know. Actually we have a lot of different races in our family, My mother is mostly Cherokee (75%) creek, Suponi Black Foot then white comes in next. My father is mostly white even though his mother was born on the reservation and I was able to get the recessive gene of light eyes, but I digress.
This is why I am at war with myself all the time, all of the races in my family arrree *drum roll please!*
Cherokee, Creek, Suponi, Romani (gypsy), Black/African, British, Scottish, Cherokee, and Mongolian
And here i have green eyes and freckles But I tan easily, have very little body hair, and have he facial features of the local Natives. HA! I'm funny looking hehehe. (don't forget the temper!)
They do fit. You could fit 4. The fan is very close to the tops though, so I'm raising it up 4 inches with some cardboard.

That is adorable! Oh oh maybe you should become an emu rancher!

I need that as a tee-shirt!
If it helps, I have one lonely emu egg in my 'bator. (It's name is Duster, as in Feather Duster - lol)

I think your hubby (and you) sound perfect. What fun!

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