I'm having complications with the Baby.* UPDATE*Remember me?!

oh Thank The LORD!!! You and your baby will remain in my thoughts and prayers as you continue on! Rest , rest and rest!!

for a heartbeat!!!
Take good vitamins, omega threes, and magnesium! (my midwives COMMANDED I do this since I am under stress) I have felt SO much better since I followed their advice (my OB never advised me on nutrition)

Baby dust and fertile thoughts!!
Our Father in Heaven, Please touch the little soul that you have planted in Holly. Give her the strength and wisdom and courage to continue to follow Your Path. Pray Lord, that whatever the outcome, your Will is accomplished. I Pray also that You, Lord, pour out a Peace over Holly, that she knows You are present. I ask Lord, that you guide the hands of the doctors, give them clear thought, purpose and direction. We ask these things in Your Names Sake, Amen.

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