I'm having major wisdom tooth/teeth issues. Advice?

Rhett&SarahsMom :

you gotta get it yanked. I had my two bottom ones done when I was 23.
I should have had them take all 4

I was getting infections in my gums because of the bottom right one. The pain was unreal.
Of course my insurance wouldnt cover actually putting me under for it. And of course there was a problem with the lower right one. The root was hooked like a J and the nerve was wrapped around it. Yeah. That hurt. The dentist was practically standing on me to get leverage to yank it out.

All my baby teeth had nasty creepy roots, one was like a fish hook like what you're talking about.

I signed up for a supplemental health thing today - checked it out and its for real. So at the nearest provider xRays will be $12 and extractions will be $60 (each, I assume). Anyway, everyone in the house is covered for $19.99 a month. It also helps with presciptions, chiropractic and vision. OSU was more expensive than I thought it would be.​
have all of them pulled, i had all mine pulled like 3 years ago, i was sore for a few days but never took any pain meds. O and your face will SWELL, i looked like i had a football in my mouth.lol.. good luck!
Get them all pulled! I've had mine for a while and I was chewing on everything like cardboard pieces to "try" out my wisdom teeth, it helps a bit but it was annoying when they popped out and give me sores on the side of my mouth.

I'm glad I had them done!
You are not alone.
I had a tooth get infected after I caught a severe cold. It was horrible. All I could do was cry till it got better. I had the tooth removed. Your best bet is to get them all pulled. Either that or they will all get cavities. 2 of my wisdom teeth do. I plan on trying to get the upper right hand tooth pulled that is over the one that already was pulled. It is leaving sores there when I bite down. And its causing headings... Sooner or later I am getting the other 2 pulled as well.

If you don't do something you will get a severe infection in your mouth. And your teeth might fall out..

I had insurance when I got my teeth done but it still cost over 300 dollars.
preppy*hippie*chick :

All four wisdom teeth have been showing through my gums for a while, but now the one on the lower right side is causing problems. Every time I close my mouth I'm biting the inside of my cheek way back by my jaw. Ther is absolutely no way to prevent it other than pulling my cheek out with my fingers! I have an icky whitish callous sort of thing back there with a sort of "dimple" in the center from this. The surrounding gum is swollen and tender, I seem to have a small knot on my jawline that is not on the other side and most alarming of all I have had a mostly mild but sometimes severe headache since it got really bad. No Exedrin or painkiller will touch it and if it's severe when I go to bed then it's at least moderate when I wake up. I've had this head thing for about 10 days now. I know what I should do, but I'm uninsured and fairly broke.

Advice, opinions and sympathy encouraged. I probably don't deserve the sympathy since I'm not doing anything for it.​

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