I'm hungry. What do I do?

What would you do if you were hungry?

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That’s not only “not the best” but extremely dangerous plus won’t work anyway cause your body will just start storing everything if it’s not getting enough.
That's actually not true. There have been many studies where fasting for three days is healthy for you. Not all the time of course, but if you did it every once in awhile, it helps to reset your body. Your body will actually use up all the carbs you had stored then starts using fat as energy. My hubby fasts for three days once a month. If anyone is interested, look up Dr. Berg on youtube. I don't agree with everything he says but he's pretty smart
That's actually not true. There have been many studies where fasting for three days is healthy for you. Not all the time of course, but if you did it every once in awhile, it helps to reset your body. Your body will actually use up all the carbs you had stored then starts using fat as energy. My hubby fasts for three days once a month. If anyone is interested, look up Dr. Berg on youtube. I don't agree with everything he says but he's pretty smart
Yeah, it definitely wouldn’t happen immediately. I meant more if one did it long term like weeks or months or whatever. I suppose I should’ve been clearer. But I feel like there’s often a fine line between this fasting stuff and straight starving but I do think there is something to be said for the occasional ones. I couldn’t do 3 days but there’s 16 hours ones or whatever basically overnight. Some of them are good. But yeah, anyway, I just meant long term not all fasting
And I’m still not 100% sure how true it is long term either, just had read about it. But def didn’t mean to make it seem like fasting short term was bad or all fasting was or whatever. But not long term.

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