I'm a firm believer that every chicken purchaser should get a free chicken cam w/ their first purchase. Imagine how much more sane we'd all be if we could snoop on them. Probably not.. I'd likely be more crazy. There's something about checking the distance between their pelvic bones & that it's wider if they've laid an egg. I've never done this and wouldn't know what I was looking for even.
Wait for the submissive squat. Once they start doing that your a few weeks away from getting eggs.

Am I the only one that gets annoyed when I go out to get something done like cleaning the coop or the never ending raking out the holes the girls dug the day before and you're trying to walk through the yard and the chickens are constantly squatting in front of you?
@andreanar You are my people! I always worry that I'll slip up and offend someone & they'll think I'm a horrible person or something. I have a friend who NEVER swears, like ever in her entire life. When I'm chatting w/ her & swear she doesn't even say the words in her head, she thinks 'bleep' or skips over it. We've been friends long enough that IDC about swearing to her. I've actually had people on twitter scold me for my swearing.

Amen, sister.

I have a filthy mouth, like the raunchiest biker girl. It amazes me daily that I have been able to keep professional jobs, and not get kicked off family-friendly forums (like this one).

When my family gets together--which is rare and wonderful, and usually only once a year, like at Thanksgiving--it is a veritable filthfest, for we are all foul-mouthed, earthy women. When my husband's proper, old-school-Italian, older family rarely joins us, it is like Meet the Fockers. So f*ckin dreadful, lol!
Am I the only one that gets annoyed when I go out to get something done like cleaning the coop or the never ending raking out the holes the girls dug the day before and you're trying to walk through the yard and the chickens are constantly squatting in front of you?

I would be so thrilled if my useless chickens squatted!
I'm so dang eggcited! Yesterday, my legbar started squawking and carrying on, singing the egg song over and over, hanging out in the coop, going in and out of nest boxes! I think I may get that blue egg soon! The squatting faverolles, Rosie, still has not laid anything!
@apryl29 Don't feel bad, I have a mouth like a trucker! :oops:

I don't have a good answer but it's normal. Like a 1st poop. Just make sure it comes off cleanly. It's difficult to remove if it dries on. I've also had the stringy part wrap around a leg. Could easily have dried and turned into a mini tourniquet cutting off circulation! I caught it when he was still wet. Had the chick fluffed out I don't know if I would have caught it :(

@andreanar You are my people! I always worry that I'll slip up and offend someone & they'll think I'm a horrible person or something. I have a friend who NEVER swears, like ever in her entire life. When I'm chatting w/ her & swear she doesn't even say the words in her head, she thinks 'bleep' or skips over it. We've been friends long enough that IDC about swearing to her. I've actually had people on twitter scold me for my swearing.

I was thinkin' the same thing when I read this. My mouth is awful -- I have no control over it anymore. We do belong :love

So I actually have a question about this. As many of you know (cause I've been practically shouting it from the rooftops lol) I finally got my first cochin eggs earlier this week :wee

I strongly suspect it is my Buff girl laying the eggs but I am not 100% certain, because NONE of my cochins will squat for me. I keep trying to hover my hands over them to check but they act like I'm holding a knife above their necks! Fear! Panic! Danger, run for cover!!!! No squatting :he What gives? :barnie

Well, out of my 9 girls I've only had 2 actually squat. I kept trying to make them do the squat and they did like yours -- panic and run off. I have at least 7 laying but not sure which are the holdouts.... I'm confused. I did have 2 soft shelled eggs and one yolk only, so who knows.

Am I the only one that gets annoyed when I go out to get something done like cleaning the coop or the never ending raking out the holes the girls dug the day before and you're trying to walk through the yard and the chickens are constantly squatting in front of you?

Can't say I have that issue since most don't squat. I do have a couple that leap in the air to see what I have in my hands and try to grab it.
Nope,that's a non issue thanks to the rooster. I do have a couple that like to run right in front of me midstep,no amount of roo lovin is going to fix that.:(
Am I the only one that gets annoyed when I go out to get something done like cleaning the coop or the never ending raking out the holes the girls dug the day before and you're trying to walk through the yard and the chickens are constantly squatting in front of you?
I have one of those rooster suits too

See, we are gearing up for the next BYC calendar: "Sexy Rooster-Suit-Wearing-Women of BYC"....:ya Oh man, that would be freakin' hilarious. I'd buy ten!

Who wants to be Ms. Roostersuit October

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