Thanks. I think I'm going to add a 1/2 hr a day. I think keeping them up til 8 would be ok.. it's colder here than where you are so I think the extra sleep will help they stay warm. I'm not too worried about the egg supply. Right now we're at 8 eggs a day out of 12 girls so even if a few others stop laying I won't be worried. I just don't want everyone to stop laying.
Eww... on the library

Mine do this. They'll run around making tons of noise and there's NOTHING in the nest. They do eventually lay, but normally hate having an audience.

That's funny -- my girls seem to like an audience. I go in there about an hour or so after I've let them out into the pen to do my cleaning. All of a sudden I'm bombarded by singing, moaning girls. It makes me feel loved :love lol

@Crooked Chicken Also, there was a thread a while back about people finding steel wool in their oyster shell.
I never found any in my bag, but you might want to keep an eye out when you're dishing it out.

Ugh -- that sounds like it would be a bad thing if they ingested it. I haven't noticed any, but will go take a look. I had just poured it out of the bag into their hanging containers.
Gross,had to pull two blood feathers out of Tuck's foot she was limping. It was a circus! Tucks in my lap,Lulu in my lap, Hobo pecking Tuck's butt, Rooster pecking at my boots and nightgown wanting to know what I'm doing to his woman. I get both feathers out which of course is a gory mess despite it just being two dang feathers so I'm covered in blood lapwise get back in the house and I'm greeted by hubs who's looking at me like I'm freaking Ted Bundy.I can already tell it's going to be a beeeutiful day! :lau
Gross,had to pull two blood feathers out of Tuck's foot she was limping. It was a circus! Tucks in my lap,Lulu in my lap, Hobo pecking Tuck's butt, Rooster pecking at my boots and nightgown wanting to know what I'm doing to his woman. I get both feathers out which of course is a gory mess despite it just being two dang feathers so I'm covered in blood lapwise get back in the house and I'm greeted by hubs who's looking at me like I'm freaking Ted Bundy.I can already tell it's going to be a beeeutiful day! :lau
Odin had a couple blood feathers that were broken once. I tried to pull them and it just kept breaking off. Eventually they clotted. I got some better pliers, but I looked like a crazy person digging around in a shed while holding a bloody chicken who wasn't happy about it. It's nice to hear I'm not the only one who has these problems... except I'm usually fully clothed.
What is rooster doing?
He just follows me around and makes these sounds it seems like he is happy because when I bring them there rice he makes those sounds whenever he is happy but what if that's not it please tell me why he is doing that sound. Thanks.
Well i would have been fully clothed buut i just had one cup of coffee went out to feed everyone saw a limping girl and just snatched her up without thinking. I'm pretty good at removing the feathers without tweezers by tugging the front while putting a little pressure at the back. That way seems to hurt less and it gets any funk behind the feather out. But needless to say by the time i thought about the unavoidable blood and gore it was too late.:)
Odin had a couple blood feathers that were broken once. I tried to pull them and it just kept breaking off. Eventually they clotted. I got some better pliers, but I looked like a crazy person digging around in a shed while holding a bloody chicken who wasn't happy about it. It's nice to hear I'm not the only one who has these problems... except I'm usually fully clothed.
My faverolles are clumsy and I'm pretty sure she either hit her foot on something or tripped over something and damaged the feathers. :)
Do you know how that happens?

If you don't please tell me and if you do please tell too.
Do you know how that happens?
If you don't please tell me and if you do please tell too.
With mine it was b/c the girls wouldn't leave Odin's tail alone and kept pulling out his feathers. They're meanies. His tail feathers grew back and they finally stopped pecking at his butt. No idea why it started in the first place though.

Well i would have been fully clothed buut i just had one cup of coffee went out to feed everyone saw a limping girl and just snatched her up without thinking. I'm pretty good at removing the feathers without tweezers by tugging the front while putting a little pressure at the back. That way seems to hurt less and it gets any funk behind the feather out. But needless to say by the time i thought about the unavoidable blood and gore it was too late.:)

My faverolles are clumsy and I'm pretty sure she either hit her foot on something or tripped over something and damaged the feathers. :)
LOL That's how it always happens. You see someone who's injured and you have to grab them while you can. I hope you were able to finish your coffee.
Oh heck yeah! Topped it off put it in the microwave and set my butt on the front porch for a few, finshing my coffee looking like a mass murderer. :lau
With mine it was b/c the girls wouldn't leave Odin's tail alone and kept pulling out his feathers. They're meanies. His tail feathers grew back and they finally stopped pecking at his butt. No idea why it started in the first place though.

LOL That's how it always happens. You see someone who's injured and you have to grab them while you can. I hope you were able to finish your coffee.

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