AGGGGHHHH! I was just informed that my MIL (of my above posts!) has invited us to Thanksgiving, and my Sweetie really wants me to go, and be there for him.

"I think she wants to apologize to you, and make things right."

Huh? It's been a year and a half since "the incident" and I've had a pass on all of his family functions. I think I'm more pissed at *him* for pressuring me to go, than *her* for inviting me.

Grrrrrr. Must think of a way to not let this ruin my day today. Man, I knew my luck would run out.

He "thinks" she wants to apologize and make things right or she told him that's what she is going to do? If she wants to make things right she doesn't need you to travel to her home on Thanksgiving to do it! Why does he need you to be there for him? What's going to happen that he needs your support? I wouldn't go. She yelled at you in public...I can only imagine how she would treat you in her home. Did anyone say anything to her a year and a half ago when she showed her true colors?

I'm not saying that you shouldn't allow her to apologize (if you want an apology from her)...I just think it should be in a more neutral location where you can walk away or hang up or whatever you feel you need to do.

Hugs drama sucks!
Y’all are cracking me up!!! I think we were triplets separated at birth!!!

Shingles are no fun. Fake vomiting and diarrhea. Start getting real nauseated the day before and light face powder (or maybe cornstarch) so you look pale and washed out. Maybe an extra light dusting of pink/purple eyeshadow under your eyes.

Make that quads Sassysouth!!! Y'all are my long lost sisters!!!
I'm sitting here cracking up reading these posts!!

I guess I'm a little more jaded than you ladies...I stopped making excuses for things I didn't want to do a long time ago. When I'm put in this type of situation I ask I want to? If the answer is no...then I don't do it. You don't have to make up an excuse to not go. The truth is reason enough and her actions/lack of apology after the event would seal the deal for me.
Make that quads Sassysouth!!! Y'all are my long lost sisters!!!
I'm sitting here cracking up reading these posts!!

I guess I'm a little more jaded than you ladies...I stopped making excuses for things I didn't want to do a long time ago. When I'm put in this type of situation I ask I want to? If the answer is no...then I don't do it. You don't have to make up an excuse to not go. The truth is reason enough and her actions/lack of apology after the event would seal the deal for me.
I am with you. I usually just say no, sometimes excuses are easier.
What's this Tina C's middle name?

Tina's middle name is Louise! Shes a dang hoot!

i love her to death but it's like she gets dumber every single day!

I think Rosie must be her long lost sister!

I am totally a sister to ya'll! I find my sense of humor while reading your alls posts. My ex MIL was a very evil woman, she was an old school Italian, and I'm 100% Irish, her first of many problems with me over the years. Boy, I'm glad to be away from those people. I had a miscarriage in my 5th month, and the first thing my FIL said to me was "Do you feel lighter?" They were fun people!
My family is hilarious! I have only 1 sister left, the other died in March from cancer. My other sister and I keep the chickens as a way to stay bonded to each other, as we are both kinda antisocial, and can tend to stay away from people for long periods. This way, we have to talk and see each other. Haha.
@andreanar funny you mention antisocial and chickens. Last night my husband came back from a hunting trip, not to get into many details, hubby is worried about me. I am not interested in doing much, I have pulled out of church activities and volunteering, all I seem to do it spend time with chickens. Which is totally not true. I have like 4 good friends I would call on. I just do not enjoy intimate group settings much of the time.

I have 8 week old chicks and they aren’t giving me eggs either. Hahaha!
@andreanar funny you mention antisocial and chickens. Last night my husband came back from a hunting trip, not to get into many details, hubby is worried about me. I am not interested in doing much, I have pulled out of church activities and volunteering, all I seem to do it spend time with chickens. Which is totally not true. I have like 4 good friends I would call on. I just do not enjoy intimate group settings much of the time.

I have 8 week old chicks and they aren’t giving me eggs either. Hahaha!

I have 3 dogs, 3 cats and my chickens, and honestly, Id spend time with them over most people any day! I have panic disorder, so I tend to stick around home a lot. But if you feel depressed, def do something about it! There are so many ways to help those feelings!
I'm not antisocial i just really dislike people. All the people i know discuss things i don't care about and insist on telling me all their drama "which is usually caused by them in the first place." I like my chickens they've never got anything bad to say and it just really is peaceful to watch most of them, "not Lulu, watching her makes me worry." I've noticed though unless it's another chicken person when you tell strangers you have chickens it's like you just said "I live in a box and eat toenails." The look you get! :lau

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