Sweetie and I went for a nice walk in the woods yesterday (we live surrounded by National Forest, about an hour away from any big town), and he says, "What do you think about going camping for Thanksgiving, just us? We haven't gone anywhere since we got the chickens. Even if it rains, it would be fun!"

His mother's dinner is on Saturday anyway (she always does that) -- he can still pick up the chainsaw and trolling motor!

My son was totally game for it too -- he's in a noisy apartment near campus, and would love to quietly hang with the pets while we went camping for two nights (I raised an introvert -- go figure!).

Gosh? Is it all coming together into something that I might enjoy???? Yaaaayyy!!!
Woo hoo...more big points for the hubs!!!!! That is awesome and sounds like a relaxing time!!! Enjoy it!!!!
We haven't gone anywhere since we got the chickens....im sorry i totally just donkey laughed. I hope two have a very nice well deserved outing.:)
Sweetie and I went for a nice walk in the woods yesterday (we live surrounded by National Forest, about an hour away from any big town), and he says, "What do you think about going camping for Thanksgiving, just us? We haven't gone anywhere since we got the chickens. Even if it rains, it would be fun!"

His mother's dinner is on Saturday anyway (she always does that) -- he can still pick up the chainsaw and trolling motor!

My son was totally game for it too -- he's in a noisy apartment near campus, and would love to quietly hang with the pets while we went camping for two nights (I raised an introvert -- go figure!).

Gosh? Is it all coming together into something that I might enjoy???? Yaaaayyy!!!
Girl,you better expand your nest boxes! Not because they're small but because you'll have another roo in there.And i figured that was the butthole! :)

OMG...the cuteness! I love the sweet sounds they make! He was like...look...can't you see that I've worked really hard here to make me a place to sleep...now shoooooo...go on now...let me sleep!

Have mercy...expand them...LOL? No worries...I'm sure you noticed that Ms. Bonnie ran him out of her box! Clyde stood back and laughed at him! Nobody messes with Bonnie...poor Zaffer hasn't figured that out yet. The other girls don't mind Zaffer getting in the boxes with them, but which ever one Bonnie decides she wants to check out everyone clears out! I told them all to get out of them as they obviously didn't have a clue what they were for! They keep rolling the fake eggs out of the boxes.:th
He's a trip, he loves when I change out bedding makes nests all over the coop. He doesn't move out of the nest for the ladies they've got to lay with him in there. You're going to totally enjoy having one.:)
OMG...the cuteness! I love the sweet sounds they make! He was like...look...can't you see that I've worked really hard here to make me a place to sleep...now shoooooo...go on now...let me sleep!

Have mercy...expand them...LOL? No worries...I'm sure you noticed that Ms. Bonnie ran him out of her box! Clyde stood back and laughed at him! Nobody messes with Bonnie...poor Zaffer hasn't figured that out yet. The other girls don't mind Zaffer getting in the boxes with them, but which ever one Bonnie decides she wants to check out everyone clears out! I told them all to get out of them as they obviously didn't have a clue what they were for! They keep rolling the fake eggs out of the boxes.:th
You do know they get lost in flower pots and going around trees right? And if one ever gets seperated from the others OMG! You'll like them though they're funny. Mine are always cocking their heads to one side like their trying to get a better signal. Love, love, love my roo best dog i ever had.:)
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He's so beautiful and puffy! I gotta get me some Faverolles next spring...:love
OMG...the cuteness! I love the sweet sounds they make! He was like...look...can't you see that I've worked really hard here to make me a place to sleep...now shoooooo...go on now...let me sleep!

Have mercy...expand them...LOL? No worries...I'm sure you noticed that Ms. Bonnie ran him out of her box! Clyde stood back and laughed at him! Nobody messes with Bonnie...poor Zaffer hasn't figured that out yet. The other girls don't mind Zaffer getting in the boxes with them, but which ever one Bonnie decides she wants to check out everyone clears out! I told them all to get out of them as they obviously didn't have a clue what they were for! They keep rolling the fake eggs out of the boxes.:th
Holy crap, seriously, that is one of the most adorable things I have seen/heard. :love:love

Can't. Stand. The. Cuteness.

Next spring, I will definitely be sneaking some little salmon-crusted faverolles into my chicken area. Hopefully the hub won't notice, lol!
We haven't gone anywhere since we got the chickens....im sorry i totally just donkey laughed. I hope two have a very nice well deserved outing.:)
Haha! That is what my husband is worried about. We could go away for a week and my 4 girls were set. I will have 23 (after tomorrow’s additions), he thinks I have 13 and downsizing (rooster math).
That's pretty much his favorite noise, means he's about to bust out a nest. I'll hear him when I'm changing the bedding and he's really good he'll wait until I tell him to come on in and make me some nests, then that boy shines! He's absolutely the best rooster I've ever had. The only thing, he's constantly with me if I'm outside. I was picking up sticks out of the yard earlier and he was right there picking up little sticks and slamming them down making that "I'm thinking about making you a nest" noise. He's never done any of the stupid things you'd expect a rooster to do which is why i adore the little weirdo. :)
Holy crap, seriously, that is one of the most adorable things I have seen/heard. :love:love

Can't. Stand. The. Cuteness.

Next spring, I will definitely be sneaking some little salmon-crusted faverolles into my chicken area. Hopefully the hub won't notice, lol!
Haha! That is what my husband is worried about. We could go away for a week and my 4 girls were set. I will have 23 (after tomorrow’s additions), he thinks I have 13 and downsizing (rooster math).

Well, 23 adults, integrated into the flock, you're okay. But you'll probably have at least 3 dopey birds getting lost behind the buckets or something. It makes for an insanely long instruction list for the petsitter when you have to tell them this stuff! It'll be fine in a few months, I'm sure.

My 20 year old son worried about his chicken-sitting duties, "Mom? Do I have to kiss each bird goodnight, like you do? And I don't know the right order that they like to sleep in -- what if they are in the wrong spot on the roost? Do I have to move them?"

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