As for an egg update...I'm getting two eggs a day most days from Bonnie & Esmarelda (one blue one brown). My Easter Egger and Olive Egger are both squating, making nests in the nesting boxes, have very red combs and are submitting to Zaffer their man of the coop. So, I'm hoping to find more pretty eggs any day now!

Our Thanksgiving was quite and relaxing! I made Cornish Hens, cornbread dressing, roasted root veggies, deviled eggs and a creamed Brussels sprout casserole. Oh and cake! We watched the parades and a marathon of Vikings.

The decorated coop and your Thanksgiving dinner look mahhhhhvelous. I love roasted root veggies.

You know you're a crazy chicken lady when you have too many cockerels as it is, but you still operate on one to save it.

In all seriousness, as a warning to others to learn from my stupidity, I had put a zip tie on this chicks leg when it was a baby. I didn't think i had used any ties this year, and under all those feathers, I forgot about it. Until i caught him limping. Oops, zip tie was wayyyy tight, about to cut off circulation. But i operated on him and got it cut off.
He's enjoying lounging in the house while he heals up.

Poor guy..... what was the zip tie for? I was reading about splay leg chicks because I thought one of my babies might need something, and I read one post said to use zip ties. I'm thinkin...... uh no -- then you have to cut it off and not the leg with it.

Thanksgiving In-law Update:

My Sweetie went to his parent's house without me (for which I am SO thankful).
All the guests, except for Sweetie were 1-3 hours late. He was on time.
His brother showed up already wasted (as usual).
Brother's girlfriend, who looks like a female "Sting" (from the Police) would not acknowledge my Sweetie (she's always like this), but she sipped from her "juice" bottle, and got even more surly, and then stumbled around in the kitchen.
Sweetie's dad got madder and madder as the brother and girlfriend got drunker and drunker.
Sweetie's daughter didn't show up -- her uncle (see drunk brother above) was so wasted *last* Thanksgiving that he didn't recognize his own niece, and began hitting on her, so daughter decided to "get sick" this year.
Mean Grandma was still alive and still mean.
There was no canned spinach! My mean comments must have made it round to Sweetie's mom and shamed her into making broccoli instead.
Sweetie played Angry Birds on his phone a lot, and smirked as his dad was hollering at brother passed out on the couch.
He then inhaled dessert, grabbed his trolling motor and chainsaw (the real reason he showed up), and drove home.

No one even asked, "Hey, where's Killer Tomato?" even though I was invited. Sweetie said they could tell he was one step away from reaming them a new one, so they decided not to "go there".

I know I'm gonna hear about this, but I must be the only one here who like canned spinach. I really do and not the creamed yuck variety. It's what I grew up with. I do like fresh spinach salads though.
Well, the breeds you have selected are more 'lawn ornaments' than production birds, but they will eventually lay = and then immediately go broody. :oops:

I have curtained off the egg boxes to discourage an egg eating and my girls (aka lawn ornaments, but the eggs they do lay are delish) and they have not gone broody. I have 2 duccles and OEG's and although I'm not getting anything at the moment, when they lay, they leave the nest box and don't want to stay.
I'm dying for my first-ever egg. My first batch of pullets are 22 weeks--3 silkies, a Mille Fleur d'Uccle, and a bantam cochin. My second batch are two 20 week Ayam Cemanis and a younger stunted one.

No eggs as of yet, although my cochin has had the reddest, plumpest comb ever, red wattles, and is eating the oyster shell I put out for my girls. I have fake eggs in the coop. Every day I run out excitedly looking for eggs, I get an adrenaline burst when I see that fake egg cuz it looks so real! and nothing.

I want an egg!
I have the same, pretty little chickens that only lay when they feel like it, luckily none have gone broody!
Poor guy..... what was the zip tie for? I was reading about splay leg chicks because I thought one of my babies might need something, and I read one post said to use zip ties. I'm thinkin...... uh no -- then you have to cut it off and not the leg with it.

I only use zip ties for identification purposes. Either to track a particular chick, or to watch certain groups, etc. I didn't think I used any this year, because most of the chicks I kept were broody raised. This particular chick was incubator hatched, but given to a broody that hatched chicks at the same time, so i marked him. Under all the feet feathers, I just totally forgot about it. :oops:

Different colors do come in handy for breeds that look exactly the same, to be able to tell one years group from another, etc. Usually 3-4 changes will get them to adulthood. I've never hear of using one for splay leg though lol.

"Zippy" as he will now be called crowed in my hatcher room just now! :lol:
The decorated coop and your Thanksgiving dinner look mahhhhhvelous. I love roasted root veggies.

Poor guy..... what was the zip tie for? I was reading about splay leg chicks because I thought one of my babies might need something, and I read one post said to use zip ties. I'm thinkin...... uh no -- then you have to cut it off and not the leg with it.

I know I'm gonna hear about this, but I must be the only one here who like canned spinach. I really do and not the creamed yuck variety. It's what I grew up with. I do like fresh spinach salads though.
My step-daughter loves canned spinach because that's what her grandma (my wicked MIL) always served her too! She wouldn't eat my fresh spinach, "This tastes weird!"

I grew up in California, and my dad was a gardener -- I never had a canned veggie unless I went to dinner at a friend's house (we had frozen if we didn't grow it).
I was thinking of frying them,but I'm not sure yet..(I have to wait till I have 4 eggs to cook them because my kids want to eat a green egg)and I can't leave out my hubs...or should I do a soft boil?
I fried mine in butter, soft cooked yolks. Yes, by all means, wait til you have enough for the entire family! I *never* liked soft yolks til now -- the eggs are like the richest buttery flavor. If you are the main chicken keeper, you will be in raptures about the flavor, and the family will be like, "Uh, yeah, Mom, they're good...."

Over Thanksgiving break, I kept running in the house with a freshly laid egg, and holding it against my son's face or arm, saying, "See! See, it's so fresh it's warm! That was laid by Fishstick! She made your breakfast this morning!"

"Uh, ok, Mom. It's fresh. You're kinda grossing me out, touching every warm egg to my face while I'm sleeping! That's the fourth egg this morning."
Dear Chicken Girl Diary,
Just a quick update, as I feel it's been so long since I last wrote. Yesterday, Bebe', my BCM hen, at 31 weeks and 2 days old, gave me her first "submissive squat"! She has been standing up for herself more around the Bigger Girls, not being bullied quite so much, and has been eating a lot more too.

She has finally managed to get herself off the roost in the mornings to get to the food dish in the coop (previously she was so bullied, she wouldn't fly down until I came into the coop). I've even noticed her pecking at the oyster shells.

When I told Sweetie about the squat, he said that he felt I had emasculated him -- he had wanted to receive the first squat. He then went into the Man Cave and practiced Led Zeppelin's "Rain Song" for 3 hours on guitar. The fragile ego on that one!

Here's hoping there is an egg from Bebe' soon! My prediction, Dearest Diary? In the next two weeks.

Much love,
Killer Tomato
Well at least you aren't doing it with doodie eggs! Ditto on the soft yolks, made some cup ramen with veggies cracked a Bea egg on top and let the soup cook it...omg talk about a gourmet meal. :)
I fried mine in butter, soft cooked yolks. Yes, by all means, wait til you have enough for the entire family! I *never* liked soft yolks til now -- the eggs are like the richest buttery flavor. If you are the main chicken keeper, you will be in raptures about the flavor, and the family will be like, "Uh, yeah, Mom, they're good...."

Over Thanksgiving break, I kept running in the house with a freshly laid egg, and holding it against my son's face or arm, saying, "See! See, it's so fresh it's warm! That was laid by Fishstick! She made your breakfast this morning!"

"Uh, ok, Mom. It's fresh. You're kinda grossing me out, touching every warm egg to my face while I'm sleeping! That's the fourth egg this morning."
I fried mine in butter, soft cooked yolks. Yes, by all means, wait til you have enough for the entire family! I *never* liked soft yolks til now -- the eggs are like the richest buttery flavor. If you are the main chicken keeper, you will be in raptures about the flavor, and the family will be like, "Uh, yeah, Mom, they're good...."

Over Thanksgiving break, I kept running in the house with a freshly laid egg, and holding it against my son's face or arm, saying, "See! See, it's so fresh it's warm! That was laid by Fishstick! She made your breakfast this morning!"

"Uh, ok, Mom. It's fresh. You're kinda grossing me out, touching every warm egg to my face while I'm sleeping! That's the fourth egg this morning."
I can't wait to eat them!!!my son is only 5 so when the first egg came he said let's hatch it,I told him we don't have a boy chicken and the egg won't hatch and he was upset(I was worried that he wouldn't want to eat them)but after egg no 2 yesterday he is super excited.

I prefer fried eggs but I have never liked them with the yellow all the way done so I can't wait to compare the flavor.

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