Dear Chicken Girl Diary,
Just a quick update, as I feel it's been so long since I last wrote. Yesterday, Bebe', my BCM hen, at 31 weeks and 2 days old, gave me her first "submissive squat"! She has been standing up for herself more around the Bigger Girls, not being bullied quite so much, and has been eating a lot more too.

She has finally managed to get herself off the roost in the mornings to get to the food dish in the coop (previously she was so bullied, she wouldn't fly down until I came into the coop). I've even noticed her pecking at the oyster shells.

When I told Sweetie about the squat, he said that he felt I had emasculated him -- he had wanted to receive the first squat. He then went into the Man Cave and practiced Led Zeppelin's "Rain Song" for 3 hours on guitar. The fragile ego on that one!

Here's hoping there is an egg from Bebe' soon! My prediction, Dearest Diary? In the next two weeks.

Much love,
Killer Tomato

It's delicious! I got in the habit in Hokkaido,egg and veggie, egg and crab. Lived off the stuff! Cup ramen is the absolute lifeblood of a poor person.:)

Chickassan -- are you from Japan? My aunt, uncle and 3 cousins moved to Japan back around 1990 - he was a contractor with the Navy. I visited them in Shonan Takatori, Honshu around 1995. Gosh it was so beautiful there. I only had a week-long visit as I was on medical from work (had cancer surgery) and wish I could have stayed longer. So much to see and wonderful food. Ate my share of ramen, tempura, my first sushi and had a traditional kaiseki lunch with a group of older Japanese women.
Nope, but my grandma was. My grandpa and her met at the crab festival when he was over there doing shipyard work. I visited for six months on a student visa and stayed with my relatives. It was one of the most interesting things I've ever experienced.
Chickassan -- are you from Japan? My aunt, uncle and 3 cousins moved to Japan back around 1990 - he was a contractor with the Navy. I visited them in Shonan Takatori, Honshu around 1995. Gosh it was so beautiful there. I only had a week-long visit as I was on medical from work (had cancer surgery) and wish I could have stayed longer. So much to see and wonderful food. Ate my share of ramen, tempura, my first sushi and had a traditional kaiseki lunch with a group of older Japanese women.
You know you are a crazy chicken lady when...your Chicken Coop is decorated for Christmas and you house isn't...
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Holy wow. I want to live in there! Very fancy. It looks like one of those tiny houses!

Thanksgiving In-law Update:

My Sweetie went to his parent's house without me (for which I am SO thankful).
All the guests, except for Sweetie were 1-3 hours late. He was on time.
His brother showed up already wasted (as usual).
Brother's girlfriend, who looks like a female "Sting" (from the Police) would not acknowledge my Sweetie (she's always like this), but she sipped from her "juice" bottle, and got even more surly, and then stumbled around in the kitchen.
Sweetie's dad got madder and madder as the brother and girlfriend got drunker and drunker.
Sweetie's daughter didn't show up -- her uncle (see drunk brother above) was so wasted *last* Thanksgiving that he didn't recognize his own niece, and began hitting on her, so daughter decided to "get sick" this year.
Mean Grandma was still alive and still mean.
There was no canned spinach! My mean comments must have made it round to Sweetie's mom and shamed her into making broccoli instead.
Sweetie played Angry Birds on his phone a lot, and smirked as his dad was hollering at brother passed out on the couch.
He then inhaled dessert, grabbed his trolling motor and chainsaw (the real reason he showed up), and drove home.

No one even asked, "Hey, where's Killer Tomato?" even though I was invited. Sweetie said they could tell he was one step away from reaming them a new one, so they decided not to "go there".
Whoa... sounds like you missed the real party. LOL Is your hubby going to skip Tgiving next year and stay home w/ you guys?

I got 7! 7 eggs yesterday! I'm not sure what's going on b/c I was down to 4 eggs a day for a while and now they're starting to spring back up.
You know you're a Crazy chicken lady when you get excited (eggcited?) by eggs.
Holy wow. I want to live in there! Very fancy. It looks like one of those tiny houses!

Whoa... sounds like you missed the real party. LOL Is your hubby going to skip Tgiving next year and stay home w/ you guys?

I got 7! 7 eggs yesterday! I'm not sure what's going on b/c I was down to 4 eggs a day for a while and now they're starting to spring back up.
You know you're a Crazy chicken lady when you get excited (eggcited?) by eggs.

I do enjoy watching the "show" of drunken, warring, in-laws, but I also don't. F them. I don't know if Sweetie will show up for their Christmas or other occasions, it's just getting worse and worse, and 5 hours round trip. He needs to learn it's ok to detach from toxic family, but not my place to pressure him. He's got to get there in his own time.

Yes! Congrats on the 7!!!! eggs! Us Crazy Chicken Ladies get excited by our eggs -- and even the behaviors that might possibly lead to eggs! Yippeee!
Ugh... that's a ridiculously long drive to have to deal w/ that crap. I'm sure it helps him appreciate you more! And your nice quiet non insane holidays. I wonder if he felt obligated to go b/c his daughter was to be there. Maybe they an just both agree to not go anymore and neither of them will have to suffer.

Thank you! I agree, I get excited at the idea that they might start (or restart) laying. Since I'm getting more eggs again I'm starting to wonder if my little bantam might start laying again since it appears that she's done w/ her little molt. I guess I'll be waiting patiently to see. I ordered the nesting box pads last night.. I'm optimistic that it will lead to less straw on the floor b/c they won't be able to drag the padding out all over.
Ugh... that's a ridiculously long drive to have to deal w/ that crap. I'm sure it helps him appreciate you more! And your nice quiet non insane holidays. I wonder if he felt obligated to go b/c his daughter was to be there. Maybe they an just both agree to not go anymore and neither of them will have to suffer.

Thank you! I agree, I get excited at the idea that they might start (or restart) laying. Since I'm getting more eggs again I'm starting to wonder if my little bantam might start laying again since it appears that she's done w/ her little molt. I guess I'll be waiting patiently to see. I ordered the nesting box pads last night.. I'm optimistic that it will lead to less straw on the floor b/c they won't be able to drag the padding out all over.

Yup, you nailed it -- he was showing up for his daughter's sake (she's 20), as she still has fond memories of the holidays (and loves canned spinach). She's got her own life now, and is obviously not enjoying the drama (creepy, drunk uncle hitting on her! ewwwwww!), so she's bailing a lot on these functions.

I don't know if I said it in this thread, but I use a cut up old mattress pad in my nest boxes. I have a garbage bag full of clean, thick pads (I use them for my bunnies bedding too), and change them out when they get gross. I have bubble wrap on the very bottom, just in case they are digging around. Queen of Cheap.

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