Posting the worm frenzy for those that don't wander around. All those people who want "freindly" chickens are crazy!
That's more sunshine than I've seen in a month!

I played your video for my Sweetie, he's from Kentucky, he said, "Yup! Sounds like home!"

I'll tease him for the rest of the day and drawl, "Y'all want some sweet tea?" :)
Yup, you nailed it -- he was showing up for his daughter's sake (she's 20), as she still has fond memories of the holidays (and loves canned spinach). She's got her own life now, and is obviously not enjoying the drama (creepy, drunk uncle hitting on her! ewwwwww!), so she's bailing a lot on these functions.

I don't know if I said it in this thread, but I use a cut up old mattress pad in my nest boxes. I have a garbage bag full of clean, thick pads (I use them for my bunnies bedding too), and change them out when they get gross. I have bubble wrap on the very bottom, just in case they are digging around. Queen of Cheap.
That's a good idea, but I don't have an old mattress pad. I'm hoping these things last a while. I know one of them sleeps in one of the nest boxes, the rest are just for show apparently b/c they only really lay in one of them, but I want something on the bottom in case they happen to decide to use it so no eggs get broken.
It's really nice here today, almost 70 degrees. This time of year you freeze in the mornings 30's and 40's and you're sweating by lunch. Lol! I'm glad my hayseed accent made your hunny feel at home. :)
That's more sunshine than I've seen in a month!

I played your video for my Sweetie, he's from Kentucky, he said, "Yup! Sounds like home!"

I'll tease him for the rest of the day and drawl, "Y'all want some sweet tea?" :)
What's this radio show?

it's a funny talk show on nj101.5 i listen to all the time on the way home. i've been on it at least a dozen times. they have these topics and people call in. they were talking about animal hoarders so i was the first caller talking about my 3 dogs and 14 chickens (that's the second time i got on there talking about my chckens, lol, once i was on the morning show for a long time when the topic of banning chickens in eatontown nj came up).

i've been outed by work people who've heard me on the radio, haha! i'm "cindi from the parkway south," lol
What's this radio show?

You know you're a crazy chicken lady when...
You smash your forehead into a big ol' chicken poop (on edge of poop board) while cleaning poo of floor of coop and then just wipe it off with your sleeve
....and then bite your poopy fingernails 15 minutes later, cuz you1.) forgot, and 2.) just don't care. salmonella, my arse! :)
You know you're a crazy chicken lady when you have too many cockerels as it is, but you still operate on one to save it.
View attachment 1199607

In all seriousness, as a warning to others to learn from my stupidity, I had put a zip tie on this chicks leg when it was a baby. I didn't think i had used any ties this year, and under all those feathers, I forgot about it. Until i caught him limping. Oops, zip tie was wayyyy tight, about to cut off circulation. But i operated on him and got it cut off.
He's enjoying lounging in the house while he heals up.

Oh man, nothin' cuter than a little black pugger (except a little baby pitbull)
Thanksgiving In-law Update:

My Sweetie went to his parent's house without me (for which I am SO thankful).
All the guests, except for Sweetie were 1-3 hours late. He was on time.
His brother showed up already wasted (as usual).
Brother's girlfriend, who looks like a female "Sting" (from the Police) would not acknowledge my Sweetie (she's always like this), but she sipped from her "juice" bottle, and got even more surly, and then stumbled around in the kitchen.
Sweetie's dad got madder and madder as the brother and girlfriend got drunker and drunker.
Sweetie's daughter didn't show up -- her uncle (see drunk brother above) was so wasted *last* Thanksgiving that he didn't recognize his own niece, and began hitting on her, so daughter decided to "get sick" this year.
Mean Grandma was still alive and still mean.
There was no canned spinach! My mean comments must have made it round to Sweetie's mom and shamed her into making broccoli instead.
Sweetie played Angry Birds on his phone a lot, and smirked as his dad was hollering at brother passed out on the couch.
He then inhaled dessert, grabbed his trolling motor and chainsaw (the real reason he showed up), and drove home.

No one even asked, "Hey, where's Killer Tomato?" even though I was invited. Sweetie said they could tell he was one step away from reaming them a new one, so they decided not to "go there".
Killer T, this is classic. I thought my family was messed up. Thank goodness you didn't go, and none of the weirdos cared, lol!

I'm starting to wonder if anyone has a normal family. My hub thinks his is normal, but I think they're weird as hell, lol!

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