Well, I could just send you Eve.... just kidding. But, I would happily send you eggs next year. I hope she will have blue or green eggs, but don't know if they get the egg-color gene from the dad (EE) or mom (BR). If she lays brown eggs I might not know which are hers. I'll have to try getting pics -- she's getting a lot of rusty-red edged feathers on her breast area.

I love the canvas flap idea. I have a heavy wood drop-down door and tried hanging sheet plastic from it, but the ducks and chickens just tore it apart. Now, if it's really windy or rainy I lower the door some. They have to duck going in and out, but they all seem to manage that okay.

I knew about the Llama pajamas, but thought maybe you also had a real llama. They are cute, but I don't think I'd like getting spit at hahahaha.

I had the local tree guy come out today to take some really heavy limbs off a tree before they fall and crack me on the head. He also removed a big branch from an ancient pear tree. He's got this chipper that is an absolute monster. I helped feed the branches in - that was kinda cool. Haven't tried my own small one I got yet. Anyway, I asked him to Pile the chips not far from the chicken house. Nice big pile. I'd like to toss some in their yard, but might be a good idea to let them dry out for a while???
Yes i think it is a good idea to age the chips. For sure they will be more absorbent that way.
The door flap works really well for the smart chickens ;)
The two little Favs can't quite figure it out. We got a medium sized doggie door and didn't install the plastic flap. I used some heavy canvas material to make a curtain then cut it in half and sewed washers in the bottom to weight it. I'll snap a pic of it this evening whe I go out give them their treats and kiss them goodnight ;)
View attachment 1209558
That is a fabulous idea! I might use that for Odin's space. I think he'll be able to figure it out just fine, esp if there's a small gap that will let in a little bit of light.

Well, I could just send you Eve.... just kidding. But, I would happily send you eggs next year. I hope she will have blue or green eggs, but don't know if they get the egg-color gene from the dad (EE) or mom (BR). If she lays brown eggs I might not know which are hers. I'll have to try getting pics -- she's getting a lot of rusty-red edged feathers on her breast area.

I love the canvas flap idea. I have a heavy wood drop-down door and tried hanging sheet plastic from it, but the ducks and chickens just tore it apart. Now, if it's really windy or rainy I lower the door some. They have to duck going in and out, but they all seem to manage that okay.

I knew about the Llama pajamas, but thought maybe you also had a real llama. They are cute, but I don't think I'd like getting spit at hahahaha.

I had the local tree guy come out today to take some really heavy limbs off a tree before they fall and crack me on the head. He also removed a big branch from an ancient pear tree. He's got this chipper that is an absolute monster. I helped feed the branches in - that was kinda cool. Haven't tried my own small one I got yet. Anyway, I asked him to Pile the chips not far from the chicken house. Nice big pile. I'd like to toss some in their yard, but might be a good idea to let them dry out for a while???
I had been told the color gene comes from the male, but I'm not sure if it's ONLY the male or if it can be the female too. I think I asked that once b/c I have female eggers and was told that people usually call them barnyard mixes that *could* lay colored eggs. I have a Leghorn rooster and a variety of colored and brown egg layers and I wonder what color eggs their offspring would lay.
I was thinking they might just go dig in the too. Do you have a short fence you could put around them to try to contain them a little bit? My dad pulled down some small trees and the chickens love going over to pecking at them to get all the bugs. I'm sure they'll find lots of goodies.. and turn the pile for you.
I think I might try the curtain with the washers. I don't like to leave their door open this time of year because of the cold but it would sure be nice to not have to get up soooo early on the weekends to let them out into their run. Hi Apryl and Cappy.....so this is where you hang out when you aren't Squatching!

If you have a doggie/cat door they have a magnetic piece on the bottom that helps keep the flaps closed if you add washers/something metal to the bottom of the curtain. It really helped keep the draft from blowing in through the door!
I think I might try the curtain with the washers. I don't like to leave their door open this time of year because of the cold but it would sure be nice to not have to get up soooo early on the weekends to let them out into their run. Hi Apryl and Cappy.....so this is where you hang out when you aren't Squatching!
Hey Suzi, There are lots of places here i hang out! Color me nosy and a major yacker! I have threads on the coop building area and the garden area as well. In fact i have started more than 10 threads!:lau
That is an excellent idea. I will have to see if I can find a magnetic strip or something to add to the bottom of the entrance for the washers to cling to
How about an old curtain rod? You could sew small magnets in the curtain instead of washers. Or they have magnetic tool bars.
Hey Suzi, There are lots of places here i hang out! Color me nosy and a major yacker! I have threads on the coop building area and the garden area as well. In fact i have srated more than 10 threads!:lau
Maybe you should change your name to Aunt Blabby. :gig:gig
I'll have to check out your gardening thread. Whats the name of the thread?
That is a fabulous idea! I might use that for Odin's space. I think he'll be able to figure it out just fine, esp if there's a small gap that will let in a little bit of light.

I had been told the color gene comes from the male, but I'm not sure if it's ONLY the male or if it can be the female too. I think I asked that once b/c I have female eggers and was told that people usually call them barnyard mixes that *could* lay colored eggs. I have a Leghorn rooster and a variety of colored and brown egg layers and I wonder what color eggs their offspring would lay.
I was thinking they might just go dig in the too. Do you have a short fence you could put around them to try to contain them a little bit? My dad pulled down some small trees and the chickens love going over to pecking at them to get all the bugs. I'm sure they'll find lots of goodies.. and turn the pile for you.

That would be great if she inherited egg color gene from her dad -- he was an Easter Egger (soup roo) and very pretty. This is Eve now. She's almost 2 months old.

As a matter of fact, I have the little fence still attached to poles that I used when my chickens had their first outings -- I should be able to make that work. Thanks for suggesting that.

Here are the newest babes having some play time and breakfast in the kitchen. I think it was a mistake to try banding them with those plastic bands. Those that stayed on all of the writing came off. I've taken them all off now.


Notice all of the big pink combs already?! eek!

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