My little bantam still hasn't laid again. She molted in Oct, then didn't lay until January, then stopped again. Is that normal? I'm still getting weird eggs from Jackie. They ate the last one.. just found the remnants of the white and a couple bits of shell in the nest. She seems fine otherwise so I'm not going to worry too much, she's eating, has good weight, comes when food is offered and seems to be near the top of the pecking order. The eggs are no more often than every other day so I think she should have enough time to make a thicker shell. Hopefully once there's more hours of daylight things will straighten out.
One of my eggers is molting and she's leaving piles of white feathers all over the place. She looks so ragged right now. It seems like a cruel joke for nature to have them molt mid winter.
My EE molted in October too, and hasn't laid again yet, though she's done with her molt, and has become cuddly and sweet again with us. She started "squatting" for us this week, so it should be anytime.

I think it just takes them a while to get back into the swing of things again. Fingers crossed that yours gets there soon.
Hey everyone! Been busy around here and haven't been on BYC for a bit. Spending too much time with the young chickens as they struggle to fit in. I haven't closed the door on their in-coop cage for a while now and they seem to be doing fine. There are a couple of hens that insist on terrorizing them, but otherwise doing fine.

I go out several times a day and make sure they are all getting plenty to eat and drink -- meaning I keep the bigger chickens out of their way. They've been sitting in the poop boards and using them to take dirt baths :( so all the poo gets scattered in little bits that are impossible to sift out. Most aren't that comfortable sitting on the roosts yet.

It's been somewhat nice the past few days so have been able to get them into the yard a bit. They haven't wandered too far -- maybe 25 or 30 feet from the coop, but they are getting the hang of it. Eve is still very wary of everything, including some of her brothers.

I'm hoping we are done with the snow and ice for the season. What we need is good rain.
Hey everyone! Been busy around here and haven't been on BYC for a bit. Spending too much time with the young chickens as they struggle to fit in. I haven't closed the door on their in-coop cage for a while now and they seem to be doing fine. There are a couple of hens that insist on terrorizing them, but otherwise doing fine.

I go out several times a day and make sure they are all getting plenty to eat and drink -- meaning I keep the bigger chickens out of their way. They've been sitting in the poop boards and using them to take dirt baths :( so all the poo gets scattered in little bits that are impossible to sift out. Most aren't that comfortable sitting on the roosts yet.

It's been somewhat nice the past few days so have been able to get them into the yard a bit. They haven't wandered too far -- maybe 25 or 30 feet from the coop, but they are getting the hang of it. Eve is still very wary of everything, including some of her brothers.

I'm hoping we are done with the snow and ice for the season. What we need is good rain.
I will send you some of my rain! We had 4 inches over 2 days. It was getting dangerously muddy.
Hey everyone! Been busy around here and haven't been on BYC for a bit. Spending too much time with the young chickens as they struggle to fit in. I haven't closed the door on their in-coop cage for a while now and they seem to be doing fine. There are a couple of hens that insist on terrorizing them, but otherwise doing fine.

I go out several times a day and make sure they are all getting plenty to eat and drink -- meaning I keep the bigger chickens out of their way. They've been sitting in the poop boards and using them to take dirt baths :( so all the poo gets scattered in little bits that are impossible to sift out. Most aren't that comfortable sitting on the roosts yet.

It's been somewhat nice the past few days so have been able to get them into the yard a bit. They haven't wandered too far -- maybe 25 or 30 feet from the coop, but they are getting the hang of it. Eve is still very wary of everything, including some of her brothers.

I'm hoping we are done with the snow and ice for the season. What we need is good rain.
I'll give you some of our expected rain too! I was so excited b/c today it's supposed to be in the 50's, but then by the time I get out of work it's supposed to be raining. The yard is already a swampy muddy mess. Their runs don't have any grass anymore so they're going to be horrible. Anyone ever toss gravel into their run? I wonder if it'd help or just make things worse in the long run.

It sounds like your little ones are doing well. I have a couple who've always been a bit timid. Are the others picking on Eve? How old are the littles now?
If I don't scoop the poop in the am I get the unsiftable stuff too from them walking around in it. I've noticed that it's very dusty when I scoop it now. Do you ever replace all of it? I'm kinda worried about the dust getting in the air, not sure if it might be bad for them. A couple want to watch while I do it b/c they think I'll start tossing out treats or something.

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